Death vs. The Undying
You're death. what's a few billion lives more or less to you?" death smirked at undyne. "yeah, i'm death. and really i don't care about human lives one way or another. well, i shouldn't.
Death of a Beloved Friend.
Broken neck, dead eyes. the creature that has lead me to my final story, the creature that has murdered my one and only friend. mewtwo. "
"The Day Death Came"
Today, death came knocking on the door i answered "what, may i ask, are you here for?" he replied "i have come, my dear, to take you away" i replied "i do apologize, but not today, but may i offer you a hot cup of tea?"
Poem: Life & Death
Do not have the power seraphs can do naught, but go patrol life and death can be happy or sad death can not win in life's own gladness life can not win, because death's so mad
Death... Is it truly the end?
Keep us warm- with your eternal memories days will pass, months, years we may forget you momentarily- but never shall we efface your voice from our ears in your final hour, your final breath those you touched felt something- alas, it was death
Life after Death
## life after death this story starts nine years after the death of malafor. humans have made peace with with the guardians and others in the dragon realms.
The Birth of the White Death
They muttered to themselves asking what it was, only to be turned to and be told "its white death, that's what it is." the beaten elf sat there on the ground, humiliated and broken.
Hunting Death- Trouble
#18 of hunting death some people just can't seem to take a hint **trouble** as we walk down the alleyways again hashal makes a point of reminding me that our cover story for me is that i am a mage's familiar and that familiars are not supposed to talk.
A Death Knight's Tale
death. anger. hatred. this is what she woke up to... the first thing she saw? darkness. she could feel hard stone underneath her. cold. seeping into her bones. but the cold did not bother her... who was she? what was she doing here?
Death Knight Crusaders
They wear dark black plate armor and don helmets ensconced with the wings of bats And they invade each village and assault any innocent bystanders while blood splats The take from treasures that is not their own And they loot all of the vicinity of...
A Patient Death: Epilogue
If not for erasmus, he'd be dead somewhere in the wilderness, either from plague, infection, or slaugh's men. his death came in the form of that ambush in the eltric chasm, everything after that was just waiting. "i love you ras."
Love, Death and Dragons
'well, he was unpleasant' the dragon lifted his foot up 'well, at least he's dead now' then the dragon looks down at you, your heart rate increases to a whole new level of shit scared you slowly stand awaiting judgment.