Like a Cauldron Burning [Chapter One]
She tossed the two halves of the signpost and the megaphone into the cruiser's trunk and slammed it shut, taking a deep breath.
Zootopia - Life of a trio - Chapter 2
- exclaimed mark, climbing inside their cruiser. - lucky monkey. i've been working here two years and nothing, this is not fair! - if you don't want those days, i can ask chief bogo to give them to me.
Arcturus, Intro and Reference.
They sent 6 battleships, 32 cruisers and a swarm of smaller vessels to fight the empire's 9 battleships, 2 battle cruisers and 40 cruisers escorted by their own swarm of support vessels.
Werewolf Tale II - Chapter 28 - ...Old Routines...
His unease perked immediately when he started to climb into the back of the cruiser. _relax. nothing's happening.
D.E1 Chapter 59: The Third Offense Part VII
The massive retcan battle cruiser started tipping over its axis due to the large impact.
Chronicals of the Black Guard: Chapter 3
"as you can see, the _fury_ is a _tamlin_-class heavy cruiser. she was not outfitted with outrider fighters, being more of a recon cruiser than a heavy cruiser." "our mission is to find out what happened to the _fury_.
2. My New Life-1
, the ones with funny looking protrusions on their hulls are aegis class heavy cruisers, the saucer-under-a-wedge ones are nebula vii special weapons attack cruisers (?)
Incident at Sython
And he didn't even want to think about what the cruiser could do to his ship.
Working Title (Ch. 1.)
._ _the cruiser that's served as our escort till now's dropped away.
Angels and Sinners
As he passed beneath, jet and malcolm glanced upwards at the cruiser above. "oh shit!" malcolm exclaimed.
Adira Clawhauser Chapter 3
Seeing him go inside the cruiser for a drink, she slivered down onto the street along a water pipe and started retracing bogo's steps. she was going to deny him every ticket for the rest of the morning.
D.E1 Chapter 11: The Blue Comet Part 1
Minutes before, the team and i had left the d.e cruiser to start phase 2 of the previously planed mission to the comet.