Skater Rat - Contest (Part 1)
The contest was partially conceived by him along with the others, but he himself wouldn't officiate the contest in favor of competing. those duties were left to his biggest fan, aiden, and others. "preston!"
My Pudgyville Fanfic S1E7
That doesn't do any good if i am to win this contest. "i think i hit the jackpot," said clover. here's a container of chocolate milk. i hope that's enough to win this contest.
American Mustelid Alpha - Episode 1, Part 2, "Steel Or Cardboard"
Many contestants gasp. "you can say that, this was... a little taste for what is to come.
Darkstalkers Character Contest Submission: Dieter and Schult
I managed to make capcom-unity's character creation contest for the upcoming darkstalkers resurrection. was cuttin it close, but made it two days before deadline.
The Legend of Serafi
It is said that one day, in an attempt to force her to lose a contest, a small group of jealous colts sought out a great antlered stag and asked him to challenge serafi to a contest of whose horn had the most points.
My Emerald Angel
"oooh," the contest announcer seemed to be fixated on the conversation between the two.
A Rare Sight Ch.5-Life's A Beach
If you use any move to gain the advantage, you will be disqualified, this is a contest of pure eating skill. now, are you ready?" the contestants nodded. bowls of food were then passed out.
Bulma vs. Android 18! The Gassiest Under the Heavens!
Among the 100 participating contestants, there was the heir to the capsule corporation, dr. bulma, along with her daughter and mother.
Wonderland (Wintertime Contest 2012-13)
**Wonderland** © 2012-2013 TheOrigamist "I've never seen it," he said. He shrugged, and dust flew off of his shoulders to settle on the ground beside him. He would have gotten up if he had the strength, but the sun beat him down and he remained...
Ninth Life NL contest entry
**Ninth Life** It seemed only to be another morning as far as I was concerned, just the average day like the ones that came before it and the ones that should come after. At least, it was just another day but that all soon changed forever. ...
WoW: Owl Odyssey - The Acorn Contest
Knowin' they'd wanna one-sided contest, i said bold's ya like, "a test'a archry!" guess i were still more'n a bit drunk." the male tauren scoffed, "no man can match a night elf with a bow!"
Contest Entry: Tron Skates (Gluepaw)
**Mr. Salem Izmir Monday, March 9, 2012 Personal Proposition** My most esteemed compatriot, Let it never be said that our departments aren't assiduous folk! Carlson, one of the hardest working individuals in the Plaster Paws project, approached me...