My Pudgyville Fanfic S1E7

Story by MasterYubelMarik on SoFurry

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The race is on to find food with the most amount of calories. Which pony will come out on top?

Malnutrition Facts

[At their clubhouse...]

"Well not much to talk about today," said Bright Eyes. What do you all propose we do?

"What about a game?" asked Lancer.

"What kind of game?" asked Starlight.

"We could have a contest," said Patch.

"That's even better," said Lancer.

"How does this contest work?" asked Melody.

"We could see who can find the food with the most calories," said Patch.

"That sounds fun, Patch," said Starlight.

"Delicious too," said Bon Bon. *they all laugh*

"Where are we going to get the food?" asked Clover.

"That is tricky," said Bon Bon. We also need to think about where to hide it but it'd have to be someone not playing the game or it wouldn't be fair.

"Bon Bon's right," said Bright Eyes. Though we also need a place to play the game.

"What about at my house?" asked Patch. We could hide the food in rooms there.

"Then you'd have to be the one not playing since you know the house better than all of us," said Bright Eyes.

"Oh, okay," sighed Patch.

"How will we decide the winner?" asked Melody.

"The pony to find the food with the most calories wins," said Patch. Oh and you can only get one food item as there are only 6 food items.

"What if more than one pony finds food with the same amount of calories?" asked Starlight.

"Then we can roll a die and the highest number wins," said Patch. If more than one of the ponies gets the same roll, we roll again. You'll have 8 minutes to find it all. Let me go hide the food. *he races off and hides the food* Okay, you all can start now. *the rest of the group start searching*

"Look, here's a can of tuna," said Bright Eyes. Probably doesn't have too many calories in it though.

"No but I'm sure it tastes good," said Melody. Wow, a Nesquickly container. There's bound to be a good number of calories in it.

"I think you're right, Melody," said Bon Bon. Here's a carton of milk. That doesn't do any good if I am to win this contest.

"I think I hit the jackpot," said Clover. Here's a container of chocolate milk. I hope that's enough to win this contest.

"I really truly found something," said Sweetheart. A can of Pony-Os.

"Oh wow, here's an outdated package of cheese," said Starlight. That's probably not going to win this contest but if it were stinkiest food, I think this would definitely be a winner.*Patch checks her timer*

"Okay. The game is over, let's see what you all found," said Patch. *the ponies walk back over to Patch* Starlight, your package of cheese has 310 calories.

"That's a good start," said Starlight.

"The carton of milk has 130 calories," said Patch.

"Well I've lost then," said Bon Bon.

"Now for your Pony-Os can, Sweetheart," said Patch. 221 calories.

"Aw, I lost then," said Sweetheart. Good luck, Starlight, you truly have a shot.

"Thanks," said Starlight.

"The container of chocolate milk has 150 calories," said Patch. Sorry, Clover.

"Oh well," said Clover.

"Your turn, Bright Eyes," said Patch. Your tuna can has 60 calories.

"Well there goes my shot at winning," said Bright Eyes. It's either Melody or Starlight.

"Finally, Melody," said Patch. Your Nesquickly container has 220 calories, which means Starlight wins!

"Yay, Starlight!" said everyone else.

"What have I won?" asked Starlight.

"Our gratitude," said Bright Eyes.