All-Time High S1E14
Knowledge is Power "Did you guys study for the test today? I hear it's a tough one," remarked Kyle. "How could I not? It was pretty easy to visualize the various...
All-Time High S1E13
Closing the Gap "Lunch looks really good this time around," stated Marcus. "Yeah, spaghetti and meatballs. What a treat," added...
My Pudgyville Fanfic S1E15
All Noisy on the Belly Front [At Starlight's house...] "Have any 4's Ace?" asked Bright Eyes. "Nope, go fishing,"...
My Pudgyville Fanfic S1E14
Pudgcicle [At Melody's house...] \*The ponies watch the TV\* "We have unusually cold weather heading our way today," said Dan. Folks here better bundle up because this storm is...
My Pudgyville Fanfic S1E13
For She's a Good Fat Pony [At the Ice Cream Shop...] "What's this meeting about, Starlight?" asked Sweetheart. ...
My Pudgyville Fanfic S1E12
Belly Bust [At Ponyville...] "Hey look, there's an advertisement for a new place called Pudgyville," said Bright Eyes. Wonder what that is. \*she searches the internet\* Nothing on it...
My Pudgyville Fanfic S1E11
Taking it Up a Notch [At the ice cream shop...] "My belt is making me uncomfortable," said Bon Bon. "Well then...
My Pudgyville Fanfic S1E10
Unbellyvable News [Outside school...] "Hey look there's a news crew stopping here," said Melody. "Yeah, you're...
My Pudgyville Fanfic S1E9
Biggest Winner [At school...] "Class, settle down," said Hackney. Today is a special day for all of us. It's the day we pick our Class Ponydent. \*the class begins chatting\* Each of...
My Pudgyville Fanfic S1E8
FeedBay [At Bon Bon's house...] "It's hard keeping ourselves this fat," said Bright Eyes. We need to find an easier way to do...
My Pudgyville Fanfic S1E7
Malnutrition Facts [At their clubhouse...] "Well not much to talk about today," said Bright Eyes. What do you all propose we...
My Pudgyville Fanfic S1E6
20 Calories Over the Belt [At the Ice Cream Shop...] "I can't believe we have to wear these belts now," said Bon...