The Saga of Fidonhaal - Daughters of the East - Preview 2
She recognized nearly everyone in bravagoth, from the clergy of the local temple to the innkeeper and the blacksmith, who was zalden's father.
Fugitive's Trust Chapter 7 Part 1 of 2
It's never happened to me and i wouldn't be surprised if it hasn't happened to any the clergy that work here.
First and Last
When he saw that the big gnoll was being supported by old karan of the oghma clergy, his smile changed to a confused frown. and when he saw the blood, the bandages, the dazed look in savan's eye, he thought that his heart was going to stop.
Blood and Fire chapter 2 (teaser)
There was no official state religion in the eternal queen's kingdom, but she often worked closely with clergy in her various humanitarian projects.
Reincarnated as an Orc in a fantasy Land Ch. 14
So he made his way through the swathes of elven clergy. shouting at him and pointing. the words "t'calen raugh" were repeated as he approached and attacks were thrown his way.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 51
It's not like this strange sensation it completely alien either, brill had this aura already, yet in the past you could also pinpoint his opponents easily, even among his own clergy, that disagreed with him to put it mildly.
Collar 4 -- Need to Talk
And as i'm sure you know, there are plenty of clergy who have no issues with quiet little exceptions to the rule." i answered wyatt's raised eyebrow with one of my own. "do you want to know all my tawdry secrets?"
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VII Chapter 14
You really don't want to be seen around a representative of clergy this close. aren't you aware of your reputation and the overall tension?"
The Search for Ka'Le (3/15)
"i'll make sure the keep the clergy distracted so they don't focus on you," the dragon instructed.
In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 21)
Now that they were no longer being used as weapons for the subduing of silly clergy, it did not take long to have the bed made up.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VIII Chapter 7
"it's just a greeting and farewell when addressing someone of the clergy" coriza licked her lips "do you know fink flare?" the question was unexpected, it threw him aback a little, an image of the past flashed before his eyes.
The Mayor of Congruence and The Baroness of the Opera House
But just in case elljie hadn't found out not to bring the subject up around the clergy. "it's head hurting." "yeah, try not to think about it." "easier said than done." "maybe riding a tour bus would be a distraction?" tea asked hopefully.