Power of Hate 2: The Pain of Truth

"that's rich considering you don't even know the difference between a good christian and a christian fundamentalist tyrant. anyway, i prefer just calling her aunt jess since it's so much easier to say.

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Chapter 9

"the core is solid metal made by us after we took refuge here during the first christian war. the metal is made in such a way, that nothing is washed away by the lava" "the earth's core? a christian war? what are you talking about?"


Astral High - Chapter 22

I've had to go these shitty christian schools my whole life, let me have this." [me] "oh my god, did you seriously have to get this sheet?" ted held up a piece of paper as if it were toxic and disgusting, and i figured out why right away.

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Easter in Devout America

Easter is considered a sacred time in Devout America. Celebrated as a festival dedicating the resurrection of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, this holiday is considered one of the least changed since 1997. This does not mean attempts have been made, similar...

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Rust Belt Tails II: And the Stars Look Down

He could still remember when the u.s. and french barracks were bombed by extremists- the loss of life and the subsequent deaths of innocent lebanese jews and christians showed the 13-year-old lion cub that terrorism would accomplish nothing.

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The Void

Between these i developed some meditative practices that i joined with those from taking martial arts and i found myself looking outside myself as i heard so many christians claim to do.

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Common Ground

Although jung had been a christian, he had never dismissed the religion of pagans as worthless.

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Pride Podcast

I'm more into sports, and i'm a christian, but i won't force my beliefs, don't worry about that." "and he's engaged to me" sydney said, before the chat began to lose people.

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Silent Hill - Chapter 2

There was the large wooden christian cross painted in a stained glass window that stretched from ceiling to floor just behind the preacher pulpit, wooden church pews, as well as stained glass paintings of jesus and other more important christian figures along

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Wolf E. - Prologue and Chapter 1

Granny raised us boys to be good christian kids (yeah, i know, christian wolves? right?) and so i usually try to be as good as possible. it's not always easy, but somehow i make it... most of the time.

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Chapter 12

They came to amberstone city, and he went to another christian high school. he'd gotten over alex, he was fine with it, until a year later when he saw him walking down the street.

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