Nature Daughter's Lament- WoW Fan Poetry

With a growl of triumph, and a pounce, changling earns her dinner. again she runs, and faster, her titan legs barely touching ground. she is flying! or as close as an earthbound can get...

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Flash Sentry Is Not a Hero

If for instance, changelings were to barge in the foyer, i could show everypony what years of rigorous training built me into.

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Furtasian Species Guide

Ratling troglodyte **_serpentine_** aarnieu cernun dinosian jolsean lizard folk oesekkan raptrian snake man **_wolfkin_** thladiran chafelan houndling skeelos canari gnoll **faer folk** **_manlings_** brownie centaur changeling

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We left the next morning before the sunlight filtered through the trees. Jonas was obviously very practiced in packing up his belongings. I was amazed at how much he was able to fit into his single backpack. Unfortunately for me, I was the one he...

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Doloroso Despertar

Los changelings solo era una pequeña parte de lo que me espera. princesa luna. cuando tocas a un pony, el o ella saben lo que haces con sus cutie mark? dance illusions. no tengo ni idea! princesa luna. ten cuidado con ese espejo.

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The cutie mark that couldn't be seen

"only a small part of the changellings victims turn into a new changelling. most of them dry and turn to dust. well, their bodies do..." he paused. the three fillies hadn't ran away and were now looking at him with rapt attention.

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Band Changelings Part 4

#4 of band changelings queen chrysalis has a plan to attack the crystal empire again, but this time as a marching band!

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Jeanette Chapter 1 Welcome to Zont part 1

Zelda handed the reins to patty and climbed down from the wagon seat saying, "she's a new changeling. she doesn't know." once on the ground she walked up to jeanette and introduced herself and her companions.

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Chapter 01: Into The Dark

After spending her life alone in the everfree forest, a young mare discovers other ponies in ponyville, as well as a plot by the changelings. but will anypony believe the words of someone from the mysterious forest? --- here's chapter 1!

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Twilight Fading

The thundering echoes of distant feet were to some, the reminder of another day in the working force, to me; they were a reminder of what was and could be. Thousands of mindless drones moving in and out and up and down from their original hives of...

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The Porcelain Mask

The winter was drawing to a close, then, the people just slowly seemed to wake from a long winter's nap and the animals were returning to their lives as if the snow were nothing more than a white carpet to honor their arrival. Everything was peaceful...

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Nightmare, Nightmare Chapter 6

You have to be a magically talented unicorn to attempt most of them and most spells have symptoms when you try and cast them on somepony who's mentally sound, like the headaches i was getting because of the changeling queen. but, dr.
