~Blahdeblah violence, rape, slavery so forth, your warned~ The trip home for the five unlucky females was quite unpleasant. The wagon had been purchased second hand from an acquaintance of Mistin whom dealt in dealings with Bondage Bringer tools...
The Captain's Captive- Burning Suspicions, Chilling Evidence
However there is something not right about the queen's hand maidens the captain's captive- burning suspicions, chilling evidence "please escort these people to the finest chambers in the palace. they are our honoured guests."
Against All Odds: Part 23 - Captive
**_Part 23 - Captive_** _(Nathan)_ Any length of time could have passed before Nathan saw light again, the zipper high above him finally reopening to disperse the enveloping blackness he'd been trapped within. The persistent, unforgiving...
A Dragon Slayer's Heart: Chapter 9 -Captivity-
============================================================================================ chapter 9: captivity james stumbled lazily over a rugged path, his wings and ankles bound by an unseen metal which clanked noisily against the ground, the
A Night behind the trenches
So what i want to say is: maybe you could sneak out near enemy territory, take one soldier captive somehow and force him to give me his uniform along with his rifle so i won´t stand out among his men.
Goddess of the Throne: Snow Flower
_Snow Flower_ "Sanya!" Lyon woke drowsily at the sound of the voice, her ears drooping lazily. In front of her knelt a green robed man, his face twisted into disapproval. Confused and wondering what she had done, she hastily opened her mouth to ask...
To Tame an Invader
"Back again? I thought I told you it would be foolish to return to these lands, oh heir to the throne." A rumbling voice scoffed from inside his cave as the dragon who owned it gaged that the clanking metal of armour had drawn close enough that the...
Ofenna's Royal Proposition
Not one of them knew the context, only that the top predator had vanished for a while and was here walking in seemingly docile captivity. her head hung heavy at the taunts and lack of pity, to them it was just a big joke.
The Giggle Gang
The fire type looked over at the other captives, frowning a bit, before he looked back at the lizard, "now... you and i will chat alone." he pointed out to the other captives, "go ahead and separate them.
Krystal, Blaire and Mitch 7 - Jewel's Bloodline
It seems that heart still bled from the pain of losing my father and recovery would be a long, hard process. I guess that my mourning would never stop and my feelings were shared by the majority of the star system. Fang's good deeds were told...
Krystal, Blaire and Mitch 6 - Out of the Frying Pan...
It seems like the training from Fang was finally going to come into play as our ship's thrusters touched down on the parched soil. It had been so sad to see Fang leave the way he did and, yet, it filled my heart with hope and peace. It was truly a...
Taken: In The White Room, With Black Curtains.
Hello and welcome to the first completed story that I have written for Yiff-Star. Now while this chapter sadly does not contain yiff, it does contain plot and set up for future chapters as well as a vivid description of my fursona, naked. Rawr! ...