2 Voice

She halted in the sturdy branches, not wanting to pursue the high and dangerously thin type. she tied her bag to a branch and let it hang. she pulled her cloak closer to her body, wishing she had brought a blanket in all her hurry.

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Birthright: Chapter one

Lucky stood on his large tip toes and traced his paw over the carving following branch after branch tracing lines in time. # along a small branch carved more narrow that the rest sat the name liandra morganus hare.

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I repeated this for the next half a dozen branches, but slipped on the last branch and flew down toward the ground and the charging beast's waiting mouth.

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The Tale of Mortibe from the Song of Hannari

And when you have done this, the high branches of the tree of ages shall be yours to appoint to whomever in earth or in the heavens you choose."

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Maxwell's Day Off

Maxwell picked up a branch and brushed the leaves underneath kale's wing. "hahahaha! no!" kale laughed some more, flapping his wings as the bush also tickled him from underneath. "i gotta make you budge somehow!"

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Warriors Dawning Chpt 2

Just outside of the leader's den was a branch that reached halfway across the clearing, and the leaders used the branch, known as high branch, for clan meetings. farther back in the clearing still, hidden from view by the tree, was the elders' den.

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Shadows Bleeding From The Light:Chapter Two

Tokam crept out onto a nearby branch and then made his way silently down the tree. as he hit the ground, tokam heard a branch snap in the undergrowth. he looked over to where the sound had come from, but saw nothing.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book I Chapter 3

Cynder finished chopping down a branch and got into position to start working on the next one.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 151

Blankets, bandages, branches, random strips of leather, all of them igniting one by one, spreading faster and faster, closing in on all sides.

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Now just to find some large branches. "ahh, here are some pieces!" he spotted a large oak branch fallen from the recent storm. faeir looked over the branch, examining it for any real defects.

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The Treecloud Saga: 1. A Troubling Tribal Secret

Wind whistled through his ears as he vied for a branch or twig to grab onto but found none in time. the only one he was able to catch was closer to the base of the branchs. he clutched tightly to the weakling branch, but to no avail.

Ep7-Freeing the Chambersite Kingdom-The Warrior's of Mezzanine

So the team did their thing and took down the branch of the granate organization here and the leader of the branch too. the royals here thanked the warriors at their castle before heading off to the next kingdom freeing this one.

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