Example of a School Visit

It's as if the two parts of your brain are constantly fighting each other, which, more often than not, this leads to violent outbursts from hybrids who cannot control themselves.

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Portal: Darkside Chronicles, Charlies tale.

"if you complete my tests using that brain of yours, which i know may seem like a daunting task to someone as obviously brain-damaged as you, then i will give you cookies upon successfully navigating all my test chambers. how does that sound?"

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The Book of Gaian Magic

Gaian wolves have evolved to have a special magic gland in their brains to allow them to store magic in their brains. there is actually more than one way for magic to be stored in their brains than by the use of a beast trigger or band.

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From The Desk of Daniel Ross: Sleepless Nights

If the consciousness cannot exist without the interactions between the body and brain, then it would appear that death as we perceive it is the disconnect between those two components.

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Except the brains of those injected restarted themselves. well, not the whole brain. only a portion of it, the part that controls motor functions. newly made zombies are fast as hell and really strong.

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A Bitter Sweet Farewell Chapter 2: His Lifeline

We have done some tests that monitor brain activity, from what i can tell from the preliminary results is that his brain is undamaged. the coma his is in is similar to rem sleep except that it appears to be coming from the memory center of the brain.

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Surface (Chapter 6)

She'd learned about what neurologists called empathy neurons, or mirror neurons, which were the part of the brain related to relating to others, and found a way to temporarily create a specific connection in people's brains between the exercise of empathy

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Star Hopper Chapter 8

A little buzz sound echoed through the cell, "it's a brain scan, and the eye is the easiest way to access the brain, no bone." he took the tool from his eye and plugged it into the data port.

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The Gryphon's Goal: Chapter 5, Part 2

That's when it decides to warp my brain." "chemistry class warps my brain, and i'm not dyslexic." plato laughed. "i think chemistry would melt what's left of my brain."

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Garm and Tommy's Story

He had to finish the feed, quickly, and hope that his creation wouldn't suffer from elevated brain temperature as neurotransmitters ordered millions of brain cells to form billions of connections a thousand times faster than they should.

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Medical Decisions

She hooked it to the unit daniel was in and upped its scan range to make sure it would reach his brain from outside the unit and let it go to work, and then went back to huddled up with sandra to get warm again.

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The Trail

But john reassured her that he and brain where nearby and not going anywhere. once she was settled down john turned his focus to brian. "ok brain, watch me saddle my horse, because you're going to be doing your own."

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