Shayde's Story Chapter 4

You need me intact, so you can claim the bounty on me.' shayde looked away and growled to himself. she was right. bounties go down if the target is wounded too much. ‘listen,' xani said, breaking his thoughts.' i know you don't like me.

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Bonus Material: Deleted Scenes

I'll bring back some bounty hunters, one or two at a time. we get rid of them.


Beware of cougars CH1 Pt2

Lady sasha has heard rumors that jack has risen his bounty worth. to the federation of cougars jack is now worth an extra 50,000 gold pieces. so now jack's bounty is 100,000 platinum piece is and 50,000 gold pieces.

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A poem of home

Snow in winter and mild summer bbc, pounds & pence the shires and history bountiful ai aniron wild goose home to roost shall come ne'er parted ere the end.

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Brother Light, Brother Dark: In Which a Loose End is Tied Up

He knew talos was behind this, figuring that the bounty hunter he'd hired had gotten to jaqaran and was no doubt bringing him back to his former master. if he found the bounty hunter, he'd find talos. find talos, he'd find jaqaran.

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Chaos Chapter 13: Rescue Mission

"you too have a bounty, and a personal connection to volcan who is already in grom's hands. perhaps he chose volcan to draw you in, and collect the bounty for both of you." "he's not going to get the drop on me.

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Chapter Nine

Each cost and comment would be a debit, and each bounty would be a credit.

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Karl the One Horn: Prologue

She had traveled from nation to nation, a bounty upon her set by her father. there had been a reward for her head, but she had managed to keep just a few days ahead of the bounty hunters, that was until she finally found solice in summarily.

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"well like it or not the bounty on my head will be renewed any day now.

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Chapter 2: A proper introduction

"okay," allen said into the microphone, "from what i hear, there's some new bounties in the tower, wanna gear up after the kill card dump and tackle those?"

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Juryokine: Exile of Heroes, Chapter One

"how much is my bounty this time?" he asked. "you have the... what?" the man asked. the look of surprise on his face was almost enough to make toke laugh. "my bounty goes up every time one of you mooks fail to catch me," he explained.

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