A Small Bounty - 1

"enough banter, ati. let me enjoy my lunch and then we can discuss whatever business it is you're here on." cassidy was one the few people that atimist could sit in relative silence with while eating.

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Mage ch 11

Justin giggled at the two, always enjoying their banter and antics whenever he could be around them. he didn't give rise to say anything though as his eyes were more focused on what the cheetah was looking at.

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Jessica the Vampire slayer: Chapter 1: The prophecy not so true

"witty banter...who do you think you are? the slayer? heh...you watch too many tv shows ya little rat. there is no such thing as a slayer." the fox said, dashed forward, pinned jessica to a tree and tilted her neck to the side."

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Rocky Mountain Times (Chapter 4)

Mike and sam had been working together for close to two years and they enjoyed bantering with each other. "what are you talking about?" replied sam with a genuine look of bewilderment. "that was your girlfriend wasn't it?" "no!"

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Serval and Sheep (Chapter 15)

They discuss, they work, they even banter, but the implications linger like sour hints of rot in the air. a carnivore and a herbivore... alone at night.

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Foxy and Kitty- Episode 8

He found himself truly hoping it worked out for kitten and this other guy as they made some friendly banter. she deserved to be happy, even if it wasn't with him.

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:Destiny's Way:Chapter 1: A very rude awakening

Typhoon interjects before the banter turned to a full fledged fight. fern stiffles a laugh. "oh yes, we should be getting home," lucius said, starting towards some lights near the edge of town.

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Zootopia - Trying to move on - Chapter 1: Friends and partners

He smirked, the same way he always does, like he was enjoying that banter, which he was. - sly bunny. - dumb fox.- she replied, smiling at him while jumping on the car other officers had brought from where they had left it.

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Moonshine and Kitkat

She jested, her tone laced with playful banter. trevor waved a dismissive paw, his smile unwavering. "eh, it's just one glass, miss...?" he trailed off, prompting kara to fill in the missing introduction.

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The Lead Crown: Ch 9.1a, Accountability

It was a quandary he didn't much care to have and so he kept his mind focused on the playful banter and occasional roughhousing between the graceful fox and the bear easily three times his weight.

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Hot Shot

Several minutes passed as sharp watched the enemy banter. while three had been expected, he wanted to be sure he could take them all out quickly and then get away from the scene before other enemy soldiers could investigate.

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A New Me (Prologue)

It reflects the usual bantering that entertains us. we were debating about certain aspects of our favorite games, making obvious internet references, talking about the new character that's going to come out this weekend, and laughing.

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