Rocky Mountain Times (Chapter 4)
#4 of Rocky Mountain Times
Jen woke up the next morning to sun streaming in thought the window, and the smell of fresh baked pastries. She rolled over and stretched her long limbs. She sniffed the sweet sent in the air again. Perhaps breakfast should come first this morning. Jen drug herself out of bed, muscles stiff from yesterday's exertions. She walked over to the dresser where she saw Sam had left a note.
Dear Sleepyhead,
_ I have to go to work this morning. Lunch is on you, but I'll bring something home for dinner. See you tonight. I expect to see some of your work ;3_
_ Sam!_
She heard a beep from down stairs and the smell of coffee began to waft up, joining to already tantalizing sent of warm bread. Well, no one was home, what was the point o getting dressed before breaking her fast. Jen put down the letter and walked down stairs to find a warm cinnamon roll sitting in the oven. She made a cup of coffee and sat down to eat, enjoying the view through one of the large windows that looked out over the slopes. It was another sunny day, and the lifts were already moving.
After clearing up, Jen went back to her room and threw on some comfortable cloths. Jen had graduated art school with an emphasis in metalworking. After apprenticing for a few years, and inheriting a small sum of money, she decided to strike out and start her own practice as a jeweler. Jen had a theory that there was a niche market for fine jewelry, inspired by mountain sports in ski towns and she was here to test it.
As she worked that morning, in the spare room she was using as a studio, her thoughts began to wander. Jen recollected on all the things that had happened since deciding to leave St. Lewis. Mostly, she thought about Sam. Jen couldn't remember becoming such good friends with someone so quickly, ever. Jen had hated all of her roommates at college, and only had a few close friends before that. There was just something about Samantha that Jen liked. Maybe it was Sam's outlook on life, or her always positive attitude. Whatever caused it, Sam just made her feel good no matter what, and Jen was very fond of her.
After working for a while, Jen sat back and looked at the clock. It was 12:45, time for a break. More importantly, time for lunch. She walked out of the studio and towards her room, thinking about what to do for food. When she got there, Sam's note caught her eye. It was written on a notepad which bore the name of a restaurant. "The Main Street Bakery at Ridge" Sounded good. Jen grabbed her purse and headed into town.
Jen walked through town, enjoying the cold air and warm sun. She, like many of the people thronging the sidewalks, walked bare foot. Shoes weren't uncommon, but it was Jen's opinion that, if we're supposed to cover our feet to walk, why did the Gods give us padded feet? She passed through the crowd of shoppers and skiers quickly making her way to Main Street. Jen wasn't sure where the Main Street bakery was, but most of the restaurants were close to the Peek 4 base, so she headed that way.
Sure enough, there it was, sitting between a bar and a real estate office. The store had large windows facing the street, fogged up from the temperature difference. Jen walked inside and was shocked to see Sam standing behind the counter, wherein an apron over her uniform, taking someone's order. Well, this explained the note pad.
A bell on the door announced her arrival and Sam looked up to see who had just entered. She laughed out loud when she saw Jen standing there.
"Looks like I couldn't get away from you after all," said Sam.
She finished taking the order and the called to an out of sight coworker.
"Hey Mike! I'm going to take my break, send the new guy up here to run the register."
Mike acknowledged her and Sam walked out from behind the large counter and display of baked goods with a pair of delicious looking sandwiches. She joined Jen at a small table and slid one of the plates across to her. They conversed about Sam's job, and Jen's artwork. They talked about skiing and rumors about Ridge's expansion. It was an enjoyable conversation about nothing, made significant only by the fact that Jen was sharing it with Sam.
After about 45 minutes, Sam said she had to get back to work. Jen paid for the sandwiches.
"Do I need to tip my waitress?" Jen joked.
"Na, she didn't do that good of a job," replied Sam winking.
So, tail held high, wagging to and fro, Jen left the bakery in an elated mood that she had begun to associate with spending time with Sam.
Sam walked back behind the counter smiling and slipped on her apron. Mike, a slightly overweight yet handsome panther, ducked out from the back of the kitchen where he had been washing dishes and watched with her as Jen left.
"Man!" he exclaimed, "why do you always get the good ones?"
Mike and Sam had been working together for close to two years and they enjoyed bantering with each other.
"What are you talking about?" replied Sam with a genuine look of bewilderment.
"That was your girlfriend wasn't it?"
"No!" laughed Sam, "She the girl who's co-leasing my house. A great friend though."
Mike admired her figure through the window.
"Well, if she's not taken, I hope you don't mind if I asked her out," Mike mused with a sly look.
"You couldn't get her in a million years."
"I know, but..." Mike paused with a sigh, "A man can dream. I was after you once, remember?"
"Ya, talk about an epic fail!" Joked Sam, and laughing, pushed mike into a plate of bologna. "Hmm," she thought to herself, "interesting, but, she probably wouldn't consider it anyway."
Jen stood outside for a moment thinking about what to do. She decided to go home and was about to catch the bus when she saw a familiar figure across the street. It was Ryan. He was walking down Main Street alone with his hands in the pockets of a black leather jacket.
Jen, still in a good mood, jogged across the street walked up behind Ryan and slid her arm through his. She giggled as he nearly jumped out of his fur.
"Hey Ryan!"
He stared at her, the startled look still on his face.
"Jeeeeennnifer?" he questioned, unsure of her name.
"Right! But most people just call me Jen."
"What are you doing?"
"You looked lonely, so I thought I'd say hi. And I also meant to apologize."
"Apologize?" Ryan questioned.
"About yesterday," Jen prompted, "you carried my skies and then I ran off."
"Oh, ya."
"I don't usually use people like that, but it was a bet with my friend."
"Right, you mean Samantha right."
"How do you know her?"
"All the locals know her; she bakes the best bread in all of Colorado!"
They walked down the street talking. Finally Ryan stopped in front of an office.
"Well, this is me," Ryan stated lamely.
They stood there awkwardly for a few moments. Ryan defiantly could use a class from "Sam's school of dealing with the opposite sex." Jen was just about to walk off when Ryan spoke again.
"Hey, I get off around 5:30 if you want to do something for dinner tonight."
Jen considered it for a second, "Ya, I'd like that."
"I'll pick you up at six?"
"Sure." Jen gave him the location of a street corner not far from the house. She didn't think Sam would appreciate her giving the address to random men.
Jen caught the bus home and started working again, now thinking about Ryan. She liked him a lot. Enough to date? Defiantly. Enough to sleep with? Well... she'd find out tonight. One thing was certain tough, Jen needed someone to love.