Torpedo Run Chapter 12

Medics had arranged their positions, sectioning off several areas for the wounded, others for the combat-ready navy staff, others for the marines.

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Blood on Ice - Part Two Prologue

The aquatic mammal, that weighted ten thousand times his own weight, crashed into him and pushed him further away from the surface.

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Zootopia: First Salvo 12

Canvas fleet marine cap with a sun flap adorned with unit pins he'd gotten from his uncle...

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Goldeneyes Chapter 1

Private justin brightwing stood on the tarmac as a marine aircraft prepared to carry the new marines aloft. beaming with pride, private brightwing had realized his dream of becoming a union marine.

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The Siren's Call: Prologue

Settling in her hammock, now in her long chemise, marine silently ridiculed herself for getting so inebriated around a king's spy. such a fine looking gentleman would have to be in service of the king, or a noble himself.

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space special ops 2

{medical file 9453: gunnery sargent candice smitherson. age:30. occupation: marine corp.campaign: srawes riots on riskal. most recent campaign: aquews war. reason for being here: lost both hands to a dropping blade trap. it triggered early, so all she lost


Chronicals of the Justicar Act1/Part 3

Have fun chocolate" he cackled before arjun could rebuttal against the racist comment the marines opened fire.

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Torpedo Run Chapter 26

Then, along with his engineers, a few dozen wounded marines, and a hundred various seamen, he forted up, rifle ready, and waited as the marines did battle above them.

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A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 2-The Procedure

Retried marines john alex mason,friend hudson james weaver and brother issac tyler mason,have stepped back into the corps to rescue their fellow marine and brother in arms wyatt nolan clarke. the friends are overjoyed to get the team back together.

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The Wolfpack. Epilogue

The floor was covered with holes, bullets, death pilots ,tankers, marines, citizens, and engineers., blood and fire. also some parts and fire weapons from death marines and soldiers.

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Care Bears Family Adventures, The Cold Wars c1

marine heart punched a tree, splintering the bark. "that was pathetic." the sneering voice drew all their attention and marine heart glared at its source. "broken heart! where the hell were you?" "watching you fail!

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