Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 27

Confidence gasped as she breathed in her conjured air, the bubble of air distorting her vision somewhat but at least letting her breathe. "clever.

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Fly Chapter 1.

He then raised both of his arms up into the air and used his legs to jump up into the air. the leopard started to float up into the air above the ground. he hovered in mid-air.

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Now air "air, come to my aid, cleanse my soul and help me break this bond to this land where they dropped me, unleash"!

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Through Hell [12] - End of Part 1

Once she was up in the air again, srida found herself practicing maneuvers in the air just for the fun of it.

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The Lead Crown, Ch 9.6, Malcom

He motioned to each of the bears as he spoke their name in turn before motioning finally to runs-on-air. "gift-of-the-earth and roaring-flood helped runs-on-air's tribe when they came under attack by the church's hunters.

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Chapter IV / The Ruined Holy Grounds

The damp earth reeked of rot and the air felt heavy with the lingering stench. he could feel a draft coming from the pathway, and there was a definite chill in the air.

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Hypothetical Species - Zqvtx. WIP

Instead of the air going into the lungs, staying for a while, then being exhaled - meaning that there is no mixture of 'new' oxygen rich air and 'old' air which has been in the lungs for some time, and full of co2 - it instead flows into the lungs, then into

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Judgement Call

"air atlantic... air atlantic... this is navy fighter flight vigilantes call sign "strat" what is your status." "navy fighter...

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Chapter 38

The crack shuddered before finally splitting open, causing the surrounding air to scream. a distinct sense of not-reality pervaded the air and white lightning arced down to strike the ground, tearing apart anything it touched.

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Intro to the Wonderbolts Initiative & your Flight Magic Primer

Able to condense moisture in the air and draw together chunks of solid ice beside themselves in the air, they have a powerful capacity for creating their own weapons.

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