Fly Chapter 1.
Based on Magna Vulpes's miscellaneous story: Playing with the Big Boys and Goosebumps #52: How I Learned to Fly, this story tells of a tale that has a thirteen year old anthropomorphic wolf named Danny who discovers a book that teaches people how to fly for real. After eating a strange uncooked recipe, Danny starts to fly. Soon, everyone knows of Danny's flight ability. He starts to become super famous. There's one question that still remains: How long will his flight ability last?
*A/N: Hello. My name is Milton Bradley, named after an insanely popular board game manufacturing company that nobody cares about nowadays. This will be my first ever story on SoFurry. This particular story is based on one of the classic Goosebumps books from the 1990s, that book being: Goosebumps #52: How I Learned to Fly by R.L. Stine. If you haven't read it, here's a short sypnosis: *
*A 12 year old human boy named Jack Johnson who has a competitive rival named Wilson Schlamme who outdoes him in everything. After an embarrassing event at his friend Mia Montez's birthday party, Jack ends up running to a beach in Malibu, California. That's where Jack Johnson lives in that story. Jack ends up stumbling across an old book that teaches people how to fly in an abandoned house. *
*Jack takes the book and he comes across a recipe for a yeast that will make people fly in the air like Superman or Peter Pan. He eats the magical yeast and he starts to fly. Wilson soon learns to fly as well. Both Jack and Wilson soon become famous for thier flying abilities. It gets to the point where Jack is forced to pretend to lose his ability to fly during a public race against Wilson just to get away from all of the fame he was recieving because of his ability to fly. Wilson ends up being very famous and adored, while Jack becomes obscure to the public eye. *
*I want to combine both elements of Goosebumps #52: How I Learned to Fly and Playing with the Big Boys by Magna Vulpes to create a tale that involves the first mammal to ever fly like a bird. I will be using Dash and Danny from Playing with the Big Boys in this story. It is a one off story that involves a 13 year old wolf partaking in gay sex with other male beasts. I want to expand upon that story. I want to flesh out the characters of Danny and Dash from Magna Vulpes's story. There was a lack of character development of Dash and his brother Danny in Magna Vulpes's story. I want to fix that. This is the story of how a thirteen year old anthropomorphic wolf named Danny Boyle became the first mammal to ever fly. *
*The characters of Danny and Dash Boyle are owned by me and Magna Vulpes. Goosebumps is owned by R.L. Stine and Scholastic. *
A long yellow school bus pulled up beside a large two story house in a new housing edition. The bus came to a complete stop as air hissed from the brakes as a red flashing STOP sign swung out the side of the bus, warning any oncoming motorist to stop dead in their tracks. The bus driver operated the lever that opened the door. A single young wolf carrying a backpack over his shoulders exited the bus. It was a warm Friday afternoon in the middle of March.
The young wolf wasted no time running from the bus to the front door of his house. He fiddled around in his pockets of his pants for the key to the house, which he always kept in his pants pockets. Once the wolf found the key, he pressed the brass key into the lock on the door, he turned it, hearing the lock clicking, he opened the front door of his house. The young thirteen year old wolf was instantly greeted by the refreshing smell of his house.
Tossing his backpack aside, the young wolf swiftly made his way over to the kitchen to raid the refrigerator. Looking inside, he found leftovers from the night before: crispy fried chicken, which was his favorite food. He even liked the fried chicken from Kentucky Fried Chicken. He also grabbed a can of Diet Coke. The young wolf closed the refrigerator door. He had selected a leg and thigh of fried chicken and heated it up in the microwave. He could hardly wait for the ding that indicated that the microwave was finished. The wolf took the plate of fried chicken and his can of Diet Coke and headed to the living room to eat his food, only for him to remember his mother's rule of not eating in the living room.
The young wolf's name was Danny Boyle. He was 13 years old. He had grey fur. He wore a long-sleeved shirt with pants and Reebok shoes. Danny went into the dining room to enjoy his meal of crispy fried chicken with a can of Diet Coke. As he ate, he could hear a car pulling into the driveway. It was too early for his parents, who usually came home late. Danny immediately knew who was coming home: his older brother Dash.
The side door of the garage lead into the dining room. As the door opened, the young wolf caught sight of his brother entering the dining room.
"Hey, Danny." said the older wolf, a tall, sixteen year old male.
"Hey, Dash." said the younger wolf to his older brother. Dash smelled the scent of crispy fried chicken hit his nose. Dash was wearing a blue windbreaker over black linen pants. "You save some fried chicken for me?"
"Of course I did." said Danny after swallowing. "There's still plenty more."
"Alright." said Dash, rubbing his paws together. "I'll be right back."
Danny continued to eat his fried chicken. Less than a minute went by when Dash returned with a plate full of fried chicken. "Man," said Dash, sitting next to his brother. "I'm freaking starving! They never give you enough to eat at the cafeteria."
"Really?" said Danny. "Middle school's the same way when it comes to not giving you enough food."
"Huh, don't I remember," Dash said, taking a huge bite of his chicken breast. "Good thing that we've got plenty of food here for after school."
Danny, having already finished eating, took his paper plate and threw it in the garbage can and returned to the dining room to sit down next to his big brother. "So, it's Friday. What you gonna do tonight?"
"Not sure." said Dash with his mouth full. "Depends on what Mom and Dad are doing."
"You think they're going to go out tonight?" Danny asked.
"Probably." said Dash. "I heard Mom tell Dad last night that she's been wanting to go out dancing for weeks now."
Dash's statement made Danny laugh. "Sounds like Mom for sure."
Dash picked up his plate. "Come on, let's go out back."
"Okay." said Danny. The two wolves went outside and sat on the deck that their father had built only last year. It was springtime, and already the trees were budding with green leaves. Dash looked around, making sure no one could see what he and his brother were up to before reaching into his pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. Danny's eyes lit up at the sight of the cigarettes.
"Here you go, little bro." said Dash, offering his thirteen year old brother a cigarette.
"Thanks!" said Danny excitedly. "Got a light?"
"Right here." said Dash, flicking his Zippo lighter and lighting up his brother's cigarette.
Danny took a huge drag from the cigarette. He'd been smoking for a couple of months, and anytime that he did, he had to make sure that neither of his parents were around, otherwise he'd surely catch hell for taking up such a bad habit at only thirteen years of age. He was five years shy of the legal smoking age in the United States.
"Ah," said the young wolf, exhaling the smoke. "That feels so much better."
"Doesn't it, though?" said Dash, grinning devilishly. "They say smoking's bad for you, but so are a million other things in this world."
"I guess so." said Danny before taking another hit of the cigarette. "So, what are you gonna do once Mom and Dad are gone?"
"Probably go over by Nicole's house." said Dash.
"Oh?" said Danny. "You guys gonna hang out."
"Probably. I like hanging out with her." Dash said to his brother. "Remember, everything you do in life with a girlfriend matters."
"I'll keep that in mind." said Danny. Suddenly, a puzzling thought troubled the young wolf. It had to do with whether or not people could fly in the air for real. Danny thought it'd be cool if someone were to fly in the air. They'd be able to get to places quicker by flying through than if they went by land.
"Wouldn't it be nice if people were to suddenly fly up in the air like a superhero?" Danny asked his brother.
"What makes you say that?" asked Dash.
"I don't know. Wouldn't it be cool if people suddenly gained the ability to fly through the air free as a bird?" Danny said before Dash lit another cigarette for him.
"You gotta admit, it would be pretty cool if someone were to fly through the air. They'd be able to get from point A to Point B quickly with no effort. My dream superpower would be flight. Imagine all the people you could save by flying through the air." said Dash. "Unfortunately, people can't and will never be able to fly through the air. Could you imagine the amount of hysteria that people would create if people found out that someone could fly."
"I'd imagine the hysteria surrounding people being able to fly would be pretty big." Danny said. "Still, it would be pretty cool if someone were to fly up through the air at will."
"Too bad the only people that can fly are fictional superheroes like Superman." said Dash. "By the way, I've got more of those mints that are so powerful."
"Good." Danny said. Dash had found some mints at a local drugstore that the two of them used after smoking. The mints had such a distinct pungent smell that any tobacco that lingered on their breath was completely covered up, so as to not alert their parents that they were smoking. The two wolves finished up their smoke break. Dash took the cigarette butts and rinsed them off using the outside water spigot before wrapping them up in plastic bags and throwing them away in the outdoor trash cans. After smoking for almost two years, Dash had become an expert at covering his tracks. Dash and Danny went back inside the house in the dining room. Dash decided to help his little brother with his science and math homework.
A car pulled into the driveway, and both Dash and Danny heard the garage door opening. A minute later, a male and female wolf walked inside the house. They saw their two sons in the dining room.
"Hello, boys." the female wolf said.
"Hi, Mom." both Dash and Danny said in unison.
"Well, what do we have here?" said the male wolf who was dressed in a smart business suit. "You helping your brother with his homework, Dash?"
"Sure am." Dash said to his father. The dining room table was covered with textbooks and notebooks. "Danny needed help with his math and science homework. So I told him I'd do what I can."
"Danny always excelled in those subjects." said the female wolf.
"You'd better not just be doing the homework for him." Dash's father joked, playfully pulling on his older son's right ear. "I'd have to kick your tail."
"Ow, Dad," said Dash, pushing away his father's paw. "Don't worry. I'm just helping him out."
"I'm sure you are," Dash's mother said, giving Dash a peck on the cheek.
"Well, Well, Well," Dash's father said. "Your mother and I have some exciting news to tell you."
"What's that?" Danny asked, looking up from his math textbook.
"Do you want to tell them, Sheila? Or should I tell them?" Wade Boyle asked his wife.
"I'll tell them." Sheila said. "Your father and I closed on the mansion over by the lake today."
"You serious?" asked Dash. "The buyer give you a good price?"
"Sure did." said Wade. "Full asking price, so your mother and I are going to get a huge commission check in a few weeks time."
"How much is the check going to be?" Dash asked.
"That's none of your business," said Wade, giving Dash a dirty look. "I've always told you guys what we make is a secret."
"Fine, fine," said Dash, rolling his eyes.
"Anyways," said Sheila. "We're not sure where we're going this summer, but the whole family is going on vacation."
"Where were you thinking we'd go?" asked an excited Danny.
"Oh," said Wade. "Maybe Hawaii, or Aruba, or maybe even Jamaica."
"But in the meantime," said Sheila. "Your father promised to take me out dancing tonight."
"Good for you, Mom." said Dash.
"You two got any plans for tonight?" asked Wade, taking off his jacket and loosening his tie. Before anyone could answer, a knock was heard on the front door of the house. Sheila walked across the house to answer the door. She opened the front door. A male anthropomorphic twelve year old leopard stood in the doorway. He wore a short sleeve Rolling Stones T-Shirt with the iconic tongue logo on it. He wore shorts and had red Converse sneakers on his feet. The leopard's name was Edwin Faser, though most people called him Eddie. Edwin was Danny Boyle's best friend. He'd been his best friend for 3 1/2 years. Eddie was hoping to spend the night at the Boyle house to hang out with Danny tonight as his parents were going out dancing tonight.
"Hi, Mrs. Boyle. Is Danny here? I want to hang out with him tonight." Eddie asked Sheila. Sheila was always fond of having the leopard over at her house, as he rarely got into trouble. He was trustworthy around other people. Eddie always had a cool, laid-back attitude to him.
"Danny's out back in the living room, Eddie." Sheila said. "I'll let him know you're here."
The female wolf walked into the dining room, where her husband Wade was still at. She walked into the dining room.
"Hey, Danny, your friend Eddie's here. He wants to hang out with you tonight." said Sheila to her younger son.
"He is?" Danny questioned. "I didn't expect him to come here tonight." Just then, the leopard walked into the dining room to see Danny and his older brother Dash sitting at the dining room table.
"Hi Danny!" greeted Eddie. "Hi, Dash."
"Hi, Eddie." both Dash and Danny said to the leopard.
"What are you doing here?" Danny asked his friend.
"I'd figure I'd want to spend some time with you tonight. It is Friday night after all." said Edwin.
"Sure. I would like for you to stay over and hang out with me." Danny said. "I'd like some company."
"Great! Let me go unpack my things." said Eddie.
"Wait, you're staying over?" the younger wolf asked Eddie.
"Yeah. You got a problem with it?" asked Eddie.
"Not really. I didn't really expect that you'd be staying overnight tonight." Danny said.
"Well, I figured that it'd be nice if I stayed overnight here." said Eddie. "If it's okay with your parents." He turned towards Danny and Dash's parents.
"Is it okay if I can stay over tonight?" Eddie asked Sheila and Wade.
"Yes." said Wade. "You can stay here with Danny and Dash overnight. I don't mind if you stay over, Eddie."
"Excellent!" said Eddie excitedly before heading over into the living room to unpack his things for tonight. Wade then checked his watch to see what time it was. It was 5:30 PM. An hour and a half before he and Sheila were to go out dancing. They needed to get ready soon.
"We're going to get ready soon to go out dancing tonight. Tell Eddie that there's some leftover fried chicken in the fridge if he's hungry." Sheila said to Danny and Dash before leaving the dining room.
"I swear," said Dash. "If Mom's the first to go, I'm putting Dad in of those nursing homes you see news programs do exposes on."
Danny laughed at his brother's statement. "Sounds like you've thought this through."
"It's good to be prepared." said Dash, giving his little brother a wink.
After Wade and Sheila had left to go dancing, Danny and Edwin decided to play some video games in Danny's bedroom. Danny had a PlayStation 3 console. They played a multiplayer match of SSX (2012) _and _Gran Turismo 6. _They always liked to play video games competitively. They played their video games for a while. After they were done playing video games, Danny showed his friend some new tracks on his gold top Les Paul guitar. They performed a few songs, like _Hideaway and _Buddy Holly _by Weezer, the latter of which had Edwin on vocals and Danny on guitar. Eventually, Danny unplugged the guitar and put it back in it's case. He felt tired all of a sudden.
Edwin, meanwhile was waiting to tell his friend about a secret ability that he possessed that no one in this universe had the abity to do in a billion years. Something that only fictional superheroes had the ability to do. The leopard had the ability to fly. What I mean by flying is that he wasn't a pilot, as in a person who could fly an airplane. Edwin Faser had the ability to literally fly through the air like a bird. He'd been flying for four months now. He'd previously found a book about people flying in an old abandoned house at the end of a stretch of beach not far from where he lived. He read the flying book. The book was titled 'Flying Lessons'.
It supposedly taught people how to fly up in the air. Like everybody else, the leopard thought the idea of people flying through the air was ludicrous and insane. He seriously thought the idea of being able to fly was fake. That was what Edwin thought at first. As he began reading the book further, he stumbed upon a recipe for a potion that could make everybody fly. The recipe contained common household ingredients like eggs, maple syrup, seltzer, etc. He got curious about the recipe and how easy it was to make.
The book instructed him to perform a series of strange exercises and to recite a cryptic incantation. Edwin did the exercises the book told him to do. Then he made the potion in the hope that it could make him fly , even thouhh he was skeptical that the potion would actually make him fly. He didn't think the potion would actually make him fly. Edwin was surprisingly proven wrong when he ate the potion that then caused him to fly for real into the air. He was amazed by his ability to fly in the air.
The leopard soon became the very first mammal beast to ever fly. Edwin soon learned how to control his flight and the speed of his flight. He had managed to keep his flying powers a secret from everybody he knew for four months. The leopard figured it would only be a matter of time before he was to teach someone else to fly like him. Tonight would be the night that would change the life of a thirteen year old wolf boy forever.
"Hey Danny. I got to tell you something." said Edwin. "It's about something extraordinary that only I can do and nobody else can do."
"What is it?" said Danny. He was anxious to know what his leopard friend was going to tell him.
"You wouldn't believe me if i told you." said Edwin. "You'd probably think I was insane."
"You can tell me what you can do." said the thirteen year old wolf. "Don't be afraid to tell me whatever it is you want to tell me." The leopard was nervous and hesitant to tell his wolf friend about his ability to fly. What if he didn't believe him? What if he thought it was a joke? Edwin figured that he miht as well tell his friend about his ability to fly in order to get it off his chest.
"I can fly." said Edwin, waiting for Danny's response to this revelation.
"What do you mean you can fly?" asked Danny. "You mean like how a pilot flies an airplane?"
"Not that type of flying. I mean I can literally fly in the sky like a bird." the leopard said. That statement caused the wolf to start laughing hysterically, thinking that the leopard was telling him a joke. Edwin looked at Danny with a poker face. The wolf's laughter quickly died down once he realized that the leopard wasn't joking around.
"You serious?" asked Danny. "You can actually fly?"
"Yes. Trust me when I say that I can actually fly for real." said Eddie. "Want me to prove it to you?"
Danny thought about it for a moment. He wondered wheter or not if Edwin could actually fly or if he was kidding about it. Last time he checked, mammals didn't have the ability to fly up in the sky like a bird. That was physically impossible. The wolf had some doubt and skepticism with the leopard's claim that he could fly.
"I thought mammals couldn't fly?" Danny questioned.
"Normally, you'd be right." Eddie said. "You're looking at the exception."
"How do I know whether or not you could actually fly or not?" asked Danny.
*"Come with me out in the backyard and I'll prove to you that I can indeed fly." said the leopard, before exiting Danny's bedroom and heading downstairs toward the deck outside, which wss accessible through the dining room. Danny opened the deck door, unlocked the gate and went out into the backyard. It was dusk outside, the air was chirping with crickets. Edwin stood in front of Danny. *
*"What you're about to see will blow your mind!" the leopard said to the wolf. He then raised both of his arms up into the air and used his legs to jump up into the air. The leopard started to float up into the air above the ground. He hovered in mid-air. The younger wolf was flabbergasted upon seeing the leopard float up into the air. He was at a loss for words. He couldn't comprehend how the leopard was flying through the air with no effort. The leopard was really flying through the air. *
*"How are you doing this?!" asked Danny in astonishment. *
*"I thought you'd never ask." Edwin replied. *