Hearts Fairy

Prolouge Hearts is not a fairy. Don't let her apperance fool you, she is part Dragon. With places on her skin filled with scales and her long green hair, you wouldn't guess that she was part human. Hearts' real parents left her for dead on a beach....

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The Silver Renomon Series The Between Years Prolog to Book Two

The Silver Renomon Series The Between years prolog to Book Two By: Wolf421 Edited By: Lady Shandi Dracul A word from the author: When I originally started writing The Silver Renomon Series a few years ago, I had planned on a ten to twenty...


New Beginnings 2 [Scrapped]

And this is where I started to get carried away and lost direction of where this little tale was going. This is the rough draft full of mistakes, errors, and marks. Anywho, give me your opinons of what you see (both the good and bad), it would really...

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Doctor_Whooves adventures: Episode 1: Wrong place

Dr. Whooves: Tireks revenge episode one "Well. Where am I? Strange... Why would the old girl spit me out here?" The Doctor asked himself as he stepped out of the TARDIS. "Hello there." Said a voice. The Doctor turned around to see that it was a light...


finding where i belong

First in a short series i'm still working on. only story progression in this one folks finding where i belong "well that's the end of that i guess." i walk down the street towards my apartment a pinkslip held in my hand.

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Chapter Three: A Painful Memory

Fifteen Minutes Later Jade staggered up the steps to the second floor of the apartment complex. She had lost a lot of blood during her trip here, and it was a severely difficult task just to climb the steps to get to the second story. Clutching the...

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A New Companion, Ch3

Claire seemed annoyed by his fear of capture, "oh for heaven's sake Jim, you can't be caught by a ball! I've had plenty thrown at me and never once did it suck me in. It just doesn't work that way for us." A smile saying "sure, whatever you say"...

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Fallen - Chapter 4 - Changes

"So, how do you like living in the city?" "It's not bad. Doesn't feel as rushed as I thought it would. But it does feel a little cramped at times." Rick laughed at his sister's comment. The two siblings were sitting in the outdoor seating area...


Reach for the blue sky - The Black Moon Scepter

After a few days after they left the village, the group finally made it to a new town. The sign said Dark Moon. They walked into the town and found themselves a place to sleep for the night. "Hey Shadow are you gonna cook again or are we going to...

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Finding Ones Place, pt 3

Finding Ones Place, pt 3 As we stepped out we found ourselves sweating instantly from the searing heat that attempted to fry us on the pavement. "So how did it go?" Shadow asked with an impatient grin as we climbed into my car. "You know the...

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Life, Love, and Facebook

02 - Life, Love, and Facebook Morning crested over the trees and brought the end to what Old Mother Mulda felt had to be an odd mushroom induced dream. An aching stiffness had been the introduction to every morning for the past three decades but the...

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Special Interests [Intro?]

going to take a quick break from RNS to make a different story to do in my spare time. Keep in mind that along with my lack of writing experiance i also have a lack of knowledge on how to write erotic stories but here's my attempt at one. also. if...

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