The Chronicles of Tidaka Chapter Two: The Mysterious Blue Dracogin.

Story by tidaka on SoFurry

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The Chronicles of Tidaka Chapter Two: The Mysterious Blue Dracogin.

After watching the blue dracogin destroyed the mecha Bravo Team was still wary.

Joe: Charr what in the world is THAT! She exclaimed pointing at the figure who was now sitting wings folded back turned and motionless.

Charr: Liz, Casey do you know what that thing is? It destroyed a mech without a problem and did you see how fast it moved the mech couldn't even lock on to it?!?!

Liz: I don't know it looked like us but I have never even heard of a dracogin moving that fast without some sort of prewar thrusters.

Casey: No machine parts whatever it is it is organic and powerful. Still I think we should approach it before it decides we are a threat.

Jack: I'll go talk to it.

Charr: No, I will.

Jack: your hit I know it's only your shoulder but you can't fight like that.

Charr: Even I can see that if it wants to fight anyone they will NOT win. I can see it so I know that you see that. Also I am still the most capable in close quarters combat. If it attacks I (hopefully) can buy some time for you all to get away.

Jack: Corey was hit before you and Joe touched down.

At this Harold coughed and pointed a the figure who was now walking casually as if it didn't just decimate a mech toward the team. The figure stopped about 3 yards away and signaled for charr to approach. Charr signaled for the team to get back.

Figure: Ready yourself for combat.

Charr: Hardly a fair fight I'm injured and you killed a mech.

The figure walked up to Charr quickly and gave him a shove. Strong enough to push him away nut not to knock him over. There was a clanking noise of a bullet hitting the ground.

Figure: I see nothing wrong with you

Charr quickly looked for where he had been shot. In the wounds place there was neither injury nor scar, just scale.

Charr: Okay big shot let's see what we can do about you.

Figure: A fighter I like that.

Charr charged the figure swiftly dodged dropping its leg and tripped him. Charr put his hands above his lead to do a flip to recover. This time the figure hooked left and Charr dove under the figure and grabbed his tail to flip him. The figure dove with the flip landed it and spun throwing Charr. Charr hit the dirt with a thud and quickly stood up. He charged again this time kicking at the figures head the figure caught Charr's foot and spun him throwing him to the dirt again. "He's toying with me." Charr thought. The fight went on for several rounds each time Charr ended up with a face full of dirt. "Enough of this, it's time to throw some punches." Charr thought. Charr quickly started throwing his punches and the figure just dogged each and every one of them. Charr attempted to punch the figure again and this time the figure caught his punch and counter with one of his own punches. Charr didn't think he just caught the punch and each hissed at each other. Both went for a head butt and it quickly came to a battle of heads, Until Charr's scales started to crack. At this point the figure stepped right flipped Charr onto his own back and put his claw now flipped down at Charr's throat. Charr smacked away the claw and held up his own hand as the figure extended its other hand and helped him up.

Figure: You're the first in a long time to survive a fight with me.

Charr: That was a sparring session not a fight.

Figure: Very true you are certainly a great fighter nothing like the fighters of old but great none the less; Charr.

Charr: Fighters of old?

Figure: Long past and no longer in history, forget it.

Charr: How did you know my name?

Figure: I know much.

Charr: why?

Figure: Why what?

Charr: why fight me after you save us?

Figure: To gage your power and skill.

Charr: Well you know my name but I dong believe I have gotten yours.

Figure: I am Tidaka, creator of worlds.

Charr: I'm not calling you that.

Tidaka: You will call me Tidaka or false god, or you might wake up in nonexistence.

Charr: Big threat can you back it up?

Tidaka: Yes.

Charr didn't know why his blood ran cold it had never done that before something was off about this Tidaka and his power. Charr didn't believe this being is a god but certainly not mortal whatever it was it was defiantly powerful.

Charr: Prove that you can create worlds.

Tidaka: Let me make you a bet.

Charr: I'm listening.

Tidaka: I bet that with a little of my help you could take Artis.

Charr: Artis!? That's impossible that's one of the empires strongest points how do you suppose we'd do that the resistance would die we would be slaughtered. There is no feasible way we could take that city it's the empires main city of trade.

Tidaka: Not the resistance me you and my plan talk to your (his voice went very soft at as he said the word) mate. And give me three days. I will contact you then you and only you will take the city in the name of freedom. But be there by the third day.

Charr: You would do that to prove to me your power?

Tidaka: Yes I would and I will.

Charr: Fine ill discuss it with Joe.

Tidaka: That's all I ask.


The new Resistance HQ is an underground prewar bunker. Lots of the tech was operational and now everyone had their own room. It was steel and mainly undecorated. It was a war bunker and the security system through still buggy at times worked. In the war room that held a map of the known world the tech in the war room had been destroyed beyond repair and had been replaced. It was here Charr discussed with Joe the shady plan to meet with Tidaka at Artis.

Joe: I don't trust him

Charr: Nether do I but can we pass up this chance?

Joe: It looks like a trap.

Charr: It's only me that will be going if he wanted to kill or capture me he would have done it in that crater.

Joe: I know but still I don't like it.

Charr: Can we pass this chance?

Joe: I don't know but it is up to you just remember without a leader the resistance will fall apart and be picked off one by one.

Charr: You're a better leader than I am, you will find a way.

Joe: So you're taking a leap of faith?

Charr: Call it what you will but something about him makes me trust him.

Joe: Didn't your blood turn to ice when he confronted you?

Charr: How did you know?

Joe: I see it whenever you fight someone it's the fear in your blood I didn't know that you could feel fear until after that fight something about him makes you fold. You never feared anything before tell me what did he say?

Charr: He threated me with nonexistence and I believed that he could do it.

Joe: How could he back that up.

Charr: I don't know but he knows things he knows about the resistance about me and about us.

Joe: How?

Charr: I don't know but that is why I need to go to figure this "False God" out.

Joe: Do what you want but come back safely and take this.

Joe hands Charr the radio.

Joe: Call me if something happens.

Charr: Ok I will.

Charr took wing as soon as he got outside into the lush forest.

Charr thinking to himself. Why can't more places be like the HQ? It's nice here above ground water unlike most of the empire, lush forest unlike the rest of the world. I hope I am doing the correct thing by accepting his help. I wonder how the empire will react to us taking a city so close and a major one at that I hope Tidaka has a good plan.


Charr was in the local bar and everything was way overpriced thankfully he had money he won in a bet. A familiar figure sat next to him.

Tidaka: Having fun?

Charr: No, now about this plan of yours?

Tidaka: We start a bar fight then it goes in motion.

Charr: Is that why we fought by the crater?

Tidaka: No it was so I would know you would survive this.

At that Charr turned his head to meet a fist Tidaka had punched him, hard enough to send him flying into the next chair and then 3 more chairs. Charr picked himself up and folded down his claws and engaged Tidaka in combat it was seconds before the guard rushed in. Tidaka jumped and stuck to the ceiling as several people in blue/red shrouds flooded from the crowd they had been their before Tidaka and they quickly dispatched the guards.

Tidaka: Barkeep the empire lies I know what happened to your son.


Kid in a shroud: EMPIRE

Tidaka: Remove your shrouds

The kid was the first to remove his hood and id himself.

Kid: I am not only alive father but Cass is to.

A woman stepped forth "Father"

Bartender "Cass I thought you had died."

Cass "almost but the resistance saved me father and thanks to Charr over there"

Tidaka dropped from the ceiling "and more of your sons and daughters are in this city now let us destroy the lying basters!"

There was much cheering in the crowd and people spewed into the street and the guards quickly fled. Tidaka and Charr were left in the bar alone.

Tidaka: Told you we could do it.

Charr: WE HELL, you did it all every last thing I was just a punching bag.

Tidaka: You must rally the town and take it you are Charr Bringer hope, life and the returner of children healer of families thought to be broken.

Charr: Where did you find them all?

Tidaka: You will not believe me.

Charr: Tell me.

Tidaka: In their gravies.

Charr: They aren't dead that's impossible.

Tidaka: it's as if a god helped you isn't it?

Charr: You're no god

Tidaka: gods don't kill people, people with gods kill people. I kill people so I am a false god. Walk with me.

Tidaka walked toward the edge of town. Along the way they could see fighting and blood. The towns people fighting the guard. Killing and the stench of death was all around. They arrived at the cliff and you could see for miles.

Tidaka: Malum is just over the sunset just out of your sight you can see incoming armies through.

Charr: What do I do now?

Tidaka: You should fix the town ready the people; the empire will not take this lying down.

Charr: What of you?

Tidaka: I will stay and watch for a while.

Charr: What are you?

Tidaka: I have told you before, go now you have to be ready or you will never win this war.

Charr: How can I repay you?

Tidaka: By winning your war.

Charr quickly took off the as fighting had died down. Charr calmed the town and gathered everyone to the center of town.


Charr had gathered every man and woman to the center of town. There he gave his speech. A Speech to remember a speech to rally the town to save the town.

Charr: Today we struck a blow to the empire. They will retaliate with force to make an example of us all. Now we must stand even firmer to abolish unjust ways and to save the young, the old, and the week. We are the people and we can't be ignored any longer we will make a stand and prove to the world the empire is not the answer to our problems it is the cause. Today we prepare tomorrow we work and soon we fight. We are a symbol of freedom proof that the empire is not unstoppable. Proof that empire gets its strength form the people. WE are the people, WE are the power. We will win the war. We will abolish unjust ways and united we stand together we win. Gaining strength from moral values and unstoppable resolve we are the power we are PEOPLE and deserve to be treated as such. FOR ARTIS!!

The people: FOR ARTIS!!

Now for the battle plans! First get supplies to build a wall at the north gate that is where the empire will likely strike. Anyone with military training stays here we will use the well as a command post. Second close the south gate. Also any marksmen hold up in the towers and so what you can with your crossbows. Anyone that is able to fight stand by the north gate if you don't already have a job.

A blue female dracogin approached Charr from the crowd.

Female: I have something to show you at the warehouse at the east side of town.

Charr: What?

Female: I don't know what they are called but I know you will want them.

Charr: Why?

Female: They shoot explosives!

Charr: Take me to them.

Female: Okay.


Charr and the Female had reached the warehouse soon in a case in the far corner was a box. Inside were 2 RPG-7 launchers and a 500 crate of rockets.

Charr: On behalf of the resistance I thank you what is your name?

Female: It's Cass.

Charr: You're the barkeeps daughter!

Cass: Yes now my brother and I will help you reload those things so you can fire them both.

Charr: Okay, now let us head to the wall and help with its construction.

Cass: Okay

Charr: One last thing.

Charr pulled the radio off his vest and flicked the switch. "Joe can you hear me? Joe?"

Joe on the radio: Yes I can hear you. What's wrong is something happening?

Charr: Nothings wrong but the mission is a success, we have the town!

Joe: What about the empire have they launched a counter attack yet?

Charr: The town is preparing for that as we speak.

Joe: What of Tidaka, what did he do? How did he pull this off?

Charr: So many questions and he found the towns "dead" children. One in particular has given me quite a gift, RPGs Joe she gave me TWO and TONS of ammo for them as well.

Joe: May I get his name?

Charr: HER name is Cass

Cass: ops guess somebody remembers me. (Chuckles)

Joe: I killed you Privet Cass, how did you come back?

Cass: Relax Joe, I don't hold a grudge. I know why you did what you did and I forgive you now let the past die.

Charr: Take the radio ask her for reinforcements I have things to do.

Charr gave the radio to Cass and walked out, leaving the two ladies to argue until they solve their problems. He head for the cliff near the north side of town. There was the one person he could ask for help. The town wouldn't survive the empires wrath and Charr knew it. There was one that could help it was just about getting him to. There stood the false god he still hadn't moved Charr stood next to him and the empire's armies were visible in the distance. Headed by 3 mechs and armed with rifles there was little hope for the town.

Tidaka: Will you stay and fight.

Charr: Yes.

Tidaka: Unless things change that would mean your death.

Charr: Maybe it will, but it would rally more to the cause if I stayed. Then the empire would weaken as we grow stronger and I will have done what's right.

Tidaka: Your life is a high price for others.

Charr: Yes it is but a price I'm willing to pay if I must.

Tidaka: You don't want to die do you?

Charr: No, but I will someday and this way it wouldn't be wasted.

Tidaka: Hrrrr

Charr: Will you help?

Tidaka: I'll think on it.

Charr: That's all I ask.

Tidaka: Come for me later. The town needs you.

Charr took off and manned the now constructed wall and prepared himself with the RPGS.

Charr: Dame she is not back y-

Charr was cut off as the first mech opened fire and he realized the enemy army was much larger than he thought reinforces from the city wouldn't help much. More mech decloaked and opened fire.


The Chronicles of Tidaka Chapter one: Bravo Team

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The Chronicles of Tidaka’s realms prolog.

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