Empty - Chapter 3

first aid supplies too, thinking about the almost empty box in the kitchen cupboard. army surplus might have that as well. he thought about the pile of piss-smelling clothes in his room and added laundry to his list.

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Des Revell - A brief biography

He sometimes carries a taser, as a non-lethal way of immobilizing hostile subjects; a set of tools, like a drill or chainsaw, or a small medical pack, which he uses to sedate others, or apply first aid.

A Case Best Left Untouched Part 2

"yes of course, could i please see your wound maybe i can perform first aid on it," said sero getting closer to the jackal. as the jackal lifted up his jacket sero turned his back to tear a piece of his shirt as a bandage.

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The Day the Demons Attacked

Stumbling into the kitchen, i looked around desperately for the first aid kit that i knew my parents kept in one of the cabinets. out of the corner of my eye i saw a hint of green, which i took as the medicine box.

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 12: Quicksilver's Silver Shadow!

Lazz said as he put away his first aid supplies and took out his sketching supplies and began to use shading to make his picture better. " she said that she was new here and she is the daughter of the griffin general andal." takeshi obata said.

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Land of the Free and Home of the Slaves: Chapter 3

He started running a bath and took a first-aid kit out of the cupboard. the jaguar cast a critical eye at the cuts and scrapes david had accumulated during his struggle.

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An Experiment Gone Wrong? CH.4 (Rewrite)

You get up and grab the first-aid kit that was still by the bed and bandage his arm back up. "i'll finish healing your arm tomorrow, but for now i like to get something to eat."

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I volunteered for the local ambulance to learn some practical first-aid skills and i spent hours at my desk drawing up my route. it was a hectic year, but one well-spent.

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Chapter 3: Football Star

Breaking into his reserve speeds, sonic was able to rush to the nurse's station, grab the first aid kit, and rush back to edward's side before the principal knew he was gone.

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Glacier Tale: Chapter 1

She protruded a first aid kit from her backpack and opened it. she carefully cleansed the wound with an alcohol pad, which woke the maroon-furred fox, who seemed to be in 4th or 5th grade. he stirred, and his eyes slowly opened. "hey, are you all right?"

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Tales of Unova, Stormy Seas

Once terry was in his room he picked up his backpack (red, grey and had a pokeball design on its back) and started to pack up some things; notebooks, writing utensils, officey-stuff (paperclips, etc), a first aid kit, a book, and his pokémon supplies.

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