Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 19 - Mount Lessvin
„uh, harry...they don't look like fire types to me." the nosepass remarked after observing team 76.
Half-wolf Pokemon adventure ch 11
It brought a smile to my face... but it didn't last long since the fire type growled at me. he gave me a say-something-i'll-kill-you glare, sending a chill down my spine.
Pokemon Kanto League Chapter 3
He looks to her and nodes "yea she is shes the only fire type i have so she gets abit lonely sometimes" sophia gets an idea and lets blake her flareon out of the pokemon and leans down "hey blake can you go play with vulpix?"
The world in ruin, Part 1.
The strong dragon held the small fire-type close against his chest as they fell through the dense bush of the treetops and slammed against a tree, a cracking sound echoing through the trees as the tree broke and fell down.
A Day Off in a Cabin
To be honest, i was never a fan of fire types per se but seeing speciments like your litleothere can really widen one's horizons. jacob said. - yeah, i suppose it's always fun to see him scamper around and having fun.
Warm Hearts, Warm Hugs (Short)
Finn smiled as they felt the warmth of their fire type partner's breath on their paw, and they started to gently blush as they felt their face being cupped between the typhlosion's big, comfy paws. "you'll love it, dear.
Trial with Fire, Chapter 3
Taking a closer look, i saw it was pokechow, made just for fire types. "thanks mom," i said as i took blaze and cinder their food, sneaking out the honey bottle to give them both an added treat.
Unlikely Alliance- Chapter 17
fire types clean themselves in a similar manner as you walking batteries. so how does your type keep yourselves clean?"
Land Bridge Part Two
I see the fire dragon use it's fire breath on the other two, which wouldn't harm them being of the fire type. however it would garner their attention.
After the Storm - Part 34 [When Night Comes]
The two fire type pokemon watched the riolu ascend the stairs until he was out of sight. after the riolu was gone, the two fire types awkwardly sat down on the couch as a few moments of silence filled the room. "um..." the charmeleon mumbled.
A Pokemon's Reward Ch. 1 (Part 2)
Cole apologized as he rolled the quilava out of his lap and onto the ground in front of him, the small fire type left laying on her back in a cute manner as the trainer stood up.
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Destiny's Way: Chapter 8: Triumphant Returns
It was hard for her to cry, being a fire type and all, and me reusing that line would make her proud to be compared to her mother. "she loved puzzles and codes..."