Pokemon Kanto League Chapter 3

Story by Sophia Darksky on SoFurry

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#3 of Pokemon Kanto League

im going to be doing something differ im gonna add some side-stories to all my stories on here so i can keep what i want to do in the main story while also telling what happens with blake or sophia stuff like that Enjoy


Pokemon Kanto League Chapter 3 viridian forest - pewter city

Sophia makes it into the forest both her pokemon in there pokeballs, she gets near the ending gate befor she was stopped by cops "wh-what the?" it was officer jenny and she didnt look happy "hey what are you doing young lady haven't you herd there have been people stealing trainers pokemon out here lately?" she shook her head and officer jenny informs her of the theft reports they been getting, with that info known now she thanks officer jenny and heads into pewter city stoping by the pokemart to pick up some supplies.

Brock was just leaving his gym closing it for the day he was accidently mailed a second ticket to sinnoh and tried to give it away by battles but he hadnt lost any for a long while "man trainers sure arnt as good as they used to be" he heads into the pokemart and spots sophia and is instently beside her "oh how beautiful you are you make my heart stop!" sophia gave him a kind of a strange look and the store manager facepalms befor saying "brock..... you trying to pick up female trainers again?"

sophia and brock leave the pokemart and talk over some drinks at the local restaurant "i got an idea brock! sence you got two tickets why not take me with you im heading to sinnoh to challange the pokemon league there" brock nodes "what a coincidence my friend ash is going there too" they agree to go together but it was kinda late as sophia sighs "well better rent a room at the pokemon center......." brock shakes his head and smiles "no no no save your money you can stay at the gym my family is out but we have a spare room for you" sophia would node and accept his offer

once there she notices a small vulpix "oh how cute is that vulpix yours brock?" he looks to her and nodes "yea she is shes the only fire type i have so she gets abit lonely sometimes" sophia gets an idea and lets blake her flareon out of the pokemon and leans down "hey blake can you go play with vulpix?" blake looks up to sophia and wags his big fluffy tail "sure thang sophia......." he follows the vulpix to a room specaily made for her

(ill post the side story for blake and vulpix and post a link here for you fans)

sophia goes and helps brock make some dinner for them and the pokemon "i just got a stray eevee at the varidian city pokecenter...... so ill need to get her used to battling......." brock adds some spices to the food "well your a new trainer i can tell you it wont be easy.... tomarrow im going through diglet cave to get to vermilion city its the shortest way to get there it goes straight from here to vermillion" sophia looks over and smiles "thats great brock im so glad i met you....." after awhile they and the other pokemon eat dinner wondering why they havent seen blake or vulpix for awhile "hmmmm her and blake must of played so much that they went to sleep" sophia would say befor finishing up and heading to the spare room for some sleep as brock went to his to sleep as well

to be continued......