D.E1 Chapter 1: Call of Duty
I gave my promise that i would help in the protection of canis major, and our brothers and sisters... i must comply with it...
Days Go By: The Future is Now
"remember, not only are the lives of your brothers and sisters in your hand, but your family back home, your friends. you decide the future, the future is now!"
Raspberry Line Chapter 13 - Framed
It was pleasant, watching them come close as brother and sister. seeing them like that made her feel warm, and right now she wanted to be close too. but that would have to wait. they were still just friends.
Song of heart. (A taste of what I have composed in the past.)
Let rain and sun become brother and sister. letting freedom prosper. give me power and valor, give me hope and faith. [chorus:] x2 over a thousand seas shall we go side by side, even if our ship would die.
College Years
As alex stood up and shook rex dragon hand, and smiling.rex is the middle of his siblings 2 big brother and sister tira and leo (there twins) and his younger brother chris, and his parents were very nice to him.
Creation Story from The Song of Hannari
Wherefore it was given to the brothers and sisters of balilikei, dai-yel, and marellia to forge into the heavens their likenesses in the stars, lest the creatures of earth forget them and be lost forever unto their favor.
Little Wolf, Big Ordeal CH. 1
Oftentimes his brothers and sisters would challenge him to a footrace, a game of wrestling, or a tracking contest.
Project Warblade: Chapter 1
and sisters who were in the same situation.
The Dark Wood
Stephen's getting cold, and i need to make sure his brothers and sisters are okay," sakuya insisted. "please, papa?" stephen implored. he really wanted to go home - go back to their warm den, where he could rest, or probably play with his sister.
Maxwell Selenveen [Character Information]
As for his powers, maxwell's powers are very unique compared to his brother and sister's powers. he has very little powers and the ones he does have are far from offensive or defensive.
A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 6-A Day Alone
"your loss",ace said as he ran outside,followed by his brother and sister. tyro lay back down next to me,placing himself so his back touched my stomach and our heads were side by side. i wedged my head under his muzzle.
Hunting shadows P:5 End Ser:1
"as you may very well know, this world has fallen away from the knowledge of me, and my brothers and sisters in general. but you, you've got potential. but to know who you really are, you've got to get down to business. baxley! come here!"