A Story for Dogs
It had struck Jamie that his human could not see what he was going through. The child and his parents had loved Jamie, that beloved golden retriever for many years. Mr and Mrs. Davidson had loved and cared for that animal but their thirteen-year-old...
A Story of Shadow
#2 of a story of shadow a background of shadow, from the "adventures of mark steelheart" also a lead-in to 502nickster's "an umbreon's tale," (link at the end) (author's note) =character thought= "human speech" _'telepathy between
Jecht's Story
Jecht was often criticized for being a flaming hot-head. But it was not a good day to be a criticizer. Hell, said criticizers were flying out the bar window now. Groans and aching bodies lie eschewed across the stone path as Jecht stepped outside. He...
This Story, This Life.
Red, was all I could see. Anything else was a blur. Pain was the next thing I felt. There seem to be a blade stuck to my chest. I can feel the coolness of the blade. Surprisingly, I am not scared by the discovery but my body breathed...
Love story
(this is a love story ish thing i made up one day when i was sad and bored. also please dont repost it as your own :( ) there was once a great kingdom of magical creatures. this story is of a fox furry boy and a fairy girl.
The story of 'Us'
He could not even feel the wind that once 'sighed' at their stories. yet through his tear filled eyes he could not find her, his love, his life, his reason for being.
Grandpa's story
He turned around, "it's a boring and long story. you wouldn't want to listen to this old man's stories." they stared at him with interest. "why do you want to know?" "well dad found some pictures of grandma when she was still a live.
Saynir's story
Her story. c: \i decided i wanted to actually do a quick little tell about saynir's story, of which i came up with sometime ago. (i plan to read this out for a youtube channel.)\ so, my first little story i'll be telling is about saynir.
Aden's Story
I was busy tapping away at my laptop writing my story for class even though the story wasn't due to friday and i was practically finished and it was only tuesday. jake then once again sat next to ma taking my laptop and shut it.
Snows story
This is the first of many chapters of snows story prologue-snow the fox this story will be about my persona snow the fox mixed with alpha and omega in a non-antihero story my aim is to reach atheist 30 chapters and to update weekly from the day this prologue
Bunkhouse Stories
"you can tell the stories better than i can." "the advantages of having lived through them, treasured them, and embellished them so lovingly over the years." "stories need time to marinate properly, seems to me," i said.
my story
Listen close to what i say, as time goes on you'll see that the princess is more protective of me then i am of her u will see that some part in the story as u read , u will also see some of my wolf friends as well in my story , i hope u enjoy my story