Jared and Gnat - Part Five - Already Dead

Of course, it had to be stormy, didn't it? being calm and quiet would mean jared would finally get some fucking sleep, and we don't want that, do we? he sat on the moth eaten couch looking down at gnat, who was sleeping soundly. gnat always slept well.

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The Etched Pass Part 1 [One-Hour Story]

Travel to the islands was treacherous, with stormy, choppy seas enveloping the area with many reefs and tall, dark spires of rock that made travel there difficult.

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Cub of Destiny: Premonitions (Chapter 7, COD II PREVIEW!)

It was during one stormy night that the trials began, or at the very least, i received warning they were soon to begin. the skies grew darker than normal, thick clouds blotting out the starlight and blocking us from the view of the great kings.

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Life Among the Stars: Intro

It was a dark and stormy night... nah, i'm kidding, but it was at night. okay, so i was out camping, yeah, camping. the old-fashioned way, err... _really_ old-fashioned way, just me and nature, no tent, nothing but a knife.

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My life with Skye: Chapter 7

"where do i hide when it's dark and stormy? where do i run when it's all too much? who gives me hope when i wake each morning? it's you, yeah it's you. you were there for me in my darkest days, you cared for me when i lost my way.

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The Micro Editor

I thought it would have been pretty funny for a small vignette of someone trying to write a story only for a micro on the keyboard to keep getting in the way and giving little advice it was a rather dark and stormy night in the wonderful land of oz.

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The party! [PART 2]

His mom took the phone and he said: "mom, im gonna come home tomorrow, it's stormy." obviously he had lied. a short "ok!"

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My Arctic and Me: “How We Came to Be”

It was a dark, stormy early-spring night in jasper. the trees seemed to writhe in the gusty wind. i'd barely made it into my dugout den ahead of the rain and settled down to wait out the storm. then the thunder and lightning came.

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david's college days part nineteen

Had on it was some document on the house and the rest was just old pictures of him as a baby david kept these but only because he was so cute and there was one of him in a sunday best outfit and looked so cute but on one of them was some letters that said stormy

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The sword of the forest

I read it aloud- "hello, there stormy. you do not know me, but i know you. we have been monitoring you for about three months, as you can see. you have felt a direct side effect of it, repeating dreams foretelling the future.

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What Love Can Do (Draft #1)

. \*\*\*\* as i remember, it was a stormy night that john was making dinner while singing when his dog entered the kitchen. this time it started to look john with a strange face. john looked at his dog.

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Chapter 1: Enter the jackal

#1 of operation poison arrow -warning-
-this is a discontinued story- here's some more information on the story: http://heruanubissolares.deviantart.com/art/operation-poison-arrow-409797269 england 1190 ad it is a stormy night in the countryside

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