The Legendary Crystal Beast Deck

First it showed static, then it showed smith. 'what the? smith.' smith said "you got lucky last time punk, but next time you won't be. i was told to deliver this package to you from the creator himself. the legendary crystal beast deck.

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Round 2 part 2: This Fire Burns

smith said, while leaning on his locker. "i'm tired of you putting down, smith. someday i will beat ya smith, mark my words." jackie said getting agitated at smith comments "shut up you two, gosh."

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The Legendary Crystal Beast Deck

First it showed static, then it showed smith. 'what the? smith.' smith said "you got lucky last time punk, but next time you won't be. i was told to deliver this package to you from the creator himself. the legendary crystal beast deck.

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Round two part 2; This Fire Burns

smith said, while leaning on his locker. "i'm tired of you putting down, smith. someday i will beat ya smith, mark my words." jackie said getting agitated at smith comments "shut up you two, gosh."

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 94

Chief smith added, captain smith facing him with a smirk. "good to know there's more to you akin to me than looks alone. a good man is one who keeps moving despite the odds against him." the captain praised, the chief smirking proudly.

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Round one Part 2; Reptile Madness

smith said out of nowhere, and continued, "anybody could've beaten leon." "you got some nerve, smith. coming in here and put me down. what did i ever do to you?" jackie questioned getting upset. "why? because, i don't like you, cypress.

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Round One Part 2: Reptile Madness

smith said out of nowhere, and continued, "anybody could've beaten leon." "you got some nerve, smith. coming in here and put me down. what did i ever do to you?" jackie questioned getting upset. "why? because, i don't like you, cypress.

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Not an honest sport (eng)

- miss smith, miss smith, - to kathy ran a man in a suit and with papers - miss smith, i want to offer you to be the face of our company and offer contact at eight hundred thousand dollars. - of course, i agree.

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Two Kings

"let your hammer strike true, my prince, and seal your place as king." said the smith, setting the metal to the emblem's flat side. without a word, alex stepped beside the anvil, across from the smith and steadied his hand.

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Nickolas Smith Ch.1

He strolled away from the crying girl and spotted the tree at witch robert smith leaned. i nuzzled deeper into the fox's warmth trying to escape the icy water that fell in large drops from the above leafs. "robert."

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Life in the Apocalypse: Chapter 17

After a collective groan from all of us at the table, smith went first. "two pairs, eights and jacks." he seemed happy enough with his hand. second was cali, with a smug smile that instantly dashed smith's hopes.

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