Nickolas Smith Ch.1

Story by Nero_Fox on SoFurry

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#1 of The Life Nickolas Smith

the first part of a most likely short series about the life of fox. yiff will come but is missing from this part. i would GREATLY enjoy any kind of feed back even if your just telling me that i should stop writting. well anyways enjoy the story!


Prologue: A birth

A shrill cry flowed through the sterile birthing room as a blue blanket was wrapped around the bundle of fur and brought to the vixen lying on a stiff hospital bed. She got a hold of the child and look into its eyes, she smiled warmly at the little fox in her arms and thought of how much he looked liked his father. The way the tip of one of his ears were white while the other was black, the way the tip of his tail was black instead of her white, the way his front paws were gloved in black while his foot paws were as white as a fresh snow fall. The only trait of hers that was present was his eyes. The kit had iris of gold that shone. A tear developed in the corner of her eye as the kit yawn and fell into a peaceful sleep sucking its thumb. A doctor told her that they needed to take the child and make sure it's healthy and she reluctantly let it go and quickly drifted into a land of dreams and rest.

Down the hallway, on the other side of a pair of double door, there was a small wooden door on the other side of witch, paced a fox. His left ear, a cream color, twitched in a nervous manner while his right ear, black in color, stayed in a fully erect posture waiting for any sounds of movement to emanate from the hallway leading towards the maternity ward. His head sprung towards the wooden door to see a familiar face clad in light blue scrubs. He ran towards the female Dalmatian who had a huge grin plastered on her spotted muzzle.

"Rebecca! Please tell me some sort of good news." The fox asked in a nervous pleading manner

"Please Robert just calm down. The child is all healthy and its vitals are strong. He'll grow up to be a strong man. He has a lot of your features, too" the Dalmatian pulled her long time friend into a tight hug "congratulations, you're the proud father of bouncing baby boy!"

"I-I-I have a son" the news hit the fox like a ton of bricks "I have a son... a son that looks like me..."

"Robert. Your wife has been moved back to the room she was in before and I'm sure she waiting to see you."

"Of course, Rebecca, I really can't thank you enough."

"Robby. Stop thanking me for doing what I'm paid to do and go spend some time with your wife and son."

Robert padded down the hallway to a light blue painted room, and what he saw brought tears to his eyes. There on one of the rock hard hospital bed laid a tired but obviously overjoyed vixen, in her arms she held a baby. An average sized thing, but so extraordinary to the father that was slowly making his way to the pair. His vision blurred by his tears as he got into the bed and embraced his wife. He kissed her on the forehead and whispered that he loved her into her black tipped ear. Their hearts were filled with joy for themselves and love for one another, but mainly with love for their new son.


Part 1: Oh the Voice

It's a strange site, to see your whole life in matter of minutes. To see a whole 23 years flash before your eyes in a sort of forced hallucination. It's like watching a movie in fast forward but yet at the same time in slow-mo. A single frame at the end of a tunnel playing back every part of your life like it was recorded. 23 long years played out in a matter of seconds lasting an eternity, and the worst part is that the droning voice of your own conscience is narrating the whole thing in a tone only describable as condescending, all in first person.

Oh the sites you see

Oh the pain you relive

And that god forsaken voice, oh the voice

Part 2: Even the Sky Weeps

The rain was a fitting forecast for today. It fell from the sky and pelted the faces of 60 or so furs standing on the ground below. Some took comfort in the rain letting it mix with their tears as to let their pride go unhurt, others sobbed over the sound of rain crashing into the world. The rain ran streaks down my face before my sister placed her hat over my muzzle cooing words I had yet to grasp the meaning of. I grabbed the hat started to play with before I was pulled closer into my sister's warm body. I looked towards her face and saw that tears were freely flowing from her tightly shut eyes, running down here muzzle and eventually landing upon my head. I reached forward and placed my small paw on her face wondering why no one was comforting her. Why no one was comforting any one, I was always comforted when I cried. Why wasn't my comforter there for them, too? I look around at the furs clad in all black. At all the furs trying to hold back tears knowing that there wasn't going to be anyone to comfort them. At all the people who did cry, who cried out for comfort from someone. I looked towards the wood stand with all the flowers and all the pictures. All of which captured a point in the life of my comforter. An older looking fox stepped up to the stand and cleared his voice while wiping his eyes free of tears.

"We are here today to recognize the passing of a wonderful spirit and beautiful vixen" the rain and tears continued to fall as he began to speak towards the crowd "she befriended as many as possible and lived a good life that was sadly ended short due to cancer that had never been found. She lived peacefully for 25 years and had a wonders' marriage with her best friend, Robert, for five years that she had said were her happiest. During this time period she had two children. A wonderful daughter of five years named Lindsey and a brand new baby boy of only a few months named Nickolas. I loved my daughter more than anything and her passing is a bitter sweet time for all. But we must remember that even as she leaves our arms she is happily accepted into the arms of our lord. I would now like if all of us could partake in a moment of silence and prayer for the soul we have lost and the memories we have all shared with Alice"

For the first time during the whole proceeding was there silence. I looked back around and saw everyone's head bowed. It was strange to see such I different atmosphere emerge after such simple words. And the silence just kept its hold on everything. Even the rain seemed to become master of stealth as it resumed it fall uninterrupted. Heads slowly came back up and sobs soon broke out again, the fox standing at the stand wiped the tears from his eyes once again before stepping down onto the soften ground. His eyes meet mine and smile crept across his age withered muzzle. I knew this man and he knew me. I turned in my sisters arms and flung my arms out towards him. My sister handed me over to him as he began to address her.

"Lindsey. I know that it'll be hard on you know that your mother is gone. Your father will need all the help he can get. Will you promise me that you'll help him and do your best to keep him in line?" he looked towards the girl in front of him, her tear soaked cheeks, her white tipped tail and black ears. She was the spitting image of her mother. She threw her arms and sobbed into his ear.

"Of course I will grandpa. Of course I will."

"Thank you sweetie, your mother would be very proud to hear that. Now please excuse me while I talk to father." She hesitantly let go of the fox's neck and held her hands out expecting him to give me back "I'm actually going to take him with he's barely seen his father recently and it might do some good." He strolled away from the crying girl and spotted the tree at witch Robert Smith leaned. I nuzzled deeper into the fox's warmth trying to escape the icy water that fell in large drops from the above leafs.

"Robert." The older fox nodded his head the clearly distraught younger fox. He was met with nothing "Robert, I know it's difficult to lose someone you love as much as you loved my daughter, but you can't forget about your duties. You have a new born son that hasn't seen you in a week, you have a daughter who just lost her mother and you have friends that miss their drinking buddy. You can't just look at this like the end but yet a tragedy that strengthens you and brings you closer to those around you. She's in the hand of god now Robert and I know she's looking down on you and wishing that you'd stop crying over her and spend time with your family, because she's not gone, just waiting for you."

Robert moved from the tree and strolled towards the warm body I was slowly falling asleep in and plucked me from my den black cotton but quickly replaced it with one of black and grey pinstripes. I nuzzled inwards and was meeting with warmth I had felt many times. It was comfortable here, even with the large drops of water from the leave. I pressed my face into soft jacket and closed my eyes letting the words flow through my ears without meaning.

"Allen, I know your right and I know she would want me to spend a lot less time dwelling in myself pity and more time with my kids. But I'm not exactly sure I can anymore, she was my anchor, my everything, I loved her more than myself. More than anything or anyone I've ever met."

"Oh Robert, will you please stop being so mellow dramatic, you sound like you're ready to give up before you've even tried, have you not noticed the way that baby in your arms fits perfectly, or the way in can fall asleep basking in your warmth while its pelted with rain. Or the way your daughter clings to your every word as if its scripture, how about the way she'd rather spend an hour on the couch watching TV with you over spend the whole day out with her friends. I'm not saying that the road ahead will be easy or even fun at times, but I've never had more faith in the ability of a single parent family like I have in yours."

I lifted my head forward and opened my easy to see the face of my personal heater covered in a mask of pain. Tears flooded from his eyes as quiet sobs came from his mouth. I cocked my head in a curious matter, I knew the face, and the heat, and the comfort. But the body language was a new site for me. I lifted my hand and tried to place it on the cheek of my beloved enigma but failed to reach, and sadly just ended up batting his muzzle. His eyes shot open as he gazed into mine. A small smile bubbled up to surface and maid its presence aware for a few short moments before it was once again masked by sadness. "Just like your mother's"

I yawned and rolled back into my make shift bed and slowly fell into a state of unconsciousness.