After the Storm - Part 17 [The Aura]

Even as a riolu they were able to sense the emotions of the people around them. that ability evolved into mind reading, and soon, full body analysis, with the help of a lucario's mastery of the aura.

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After the Storm - Part 1 [Back to work]

Charlie croaked as he punched jason in the stomach causing the riolu to loosen his grip. charlie quickly got to his feet and struck jason with a haymaker, which the riolu manages to block.

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After the Storm - Part 9 [Breaking the Ice]

Charlie mumbled as he stared at the riolu. "why does my dad hate you?"

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Latias and Latios EP.2 (Part 8)

Adam went towards lucario and riolu. adam now knew why they were asleep. they had a fever! and a serious one at that. this could be dangerous. is it contagious? could he be caught by this disease? is he safe?

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After the Storm - Part 14 [Insert title here]

He felt that something was wrong with the riolu but he didn't want to press his curiosity. maybe he could ask jason himself... hopefully the riolu doesn't lash out like he did a while ago.

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Dark's story part 1

The pokeball and she opened it,and hugged riolu.''


After the Storm - Part 33 [Sunsets]

The riolu chuckled weakly, almost drunkenly, as he supported himself on the charmeleon. "will you really?" "ugh, don't count on it." the charmeleon scoffed as he pushed the riolu forward.

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Chapter 1 - The World's New Hope.

I encouraged, and the riolu growled in her concentration, really pouring her effort into it this time...

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Two Sides to Every Tale

Three punches later, his body whirled around, and smacked the riolu on the left across the head, sending a tooth flying. the last riolu backed away, wary. lucian felt himself settle into a fighting stance.

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Journey to another world ch11

The riolu smiled up at me and slowly opened its eyes. "well hello riolu, are you feeling any better?" the riolu nodded and i patted its head. it gave a small bark when i did this.

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