Temptation 07 - Scene of the Crime

I'd been a full detective for over five years now and had gained a reputation for being a problem solver.

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A simple story I ( 14 /22 )

This is part of his reputation. - he also used to make fun of his students ? » fj thought about it. « not that i know of.

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The Wanderer - Part I

Because of that he had gotten a reputation as a good bounty hunter very fast. it was said, he had never turned down a job, and, what added more to his reputation, he never failed.

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Not All Beginnings Are Good Beginnings

Their reputation was so infamous that even the lylatians had heard of them, years after the war.

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Dr. Von Zeppelin for M&M 3E

reputation: it's common knowledge that von zeppelin is the kinkiest supervillain around. responsibility: to his minions carmine, keco and kg.

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S1 Ep 29 Payback

Soon alex posted the video and bradley's reputation went from hero to zero and was outcast by the other kids at the school.

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Moonlight Sonata (reloaded))

Blames society for the bullshit he goes through nobody gives a damn about him, just a lost cause just another victim, he becomes the bad guy for being an ex-con, now his reputation is ruined.

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Break, or How I Became A Superhero

I had a bit of a reputation for reclusiveness. i didn't go out of my way to make friends and didn't typically encourage anyone who tried to get close.

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Anger Issues

Her condition, and some of her resulting actions, had earned her a reputation that made sure no one in the area wouldn't even glance her way when it came to jobs.

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Fallen Angels, Part five - Night is the time for Killing

Last night, irene admitted she took the bottle of bourbon from gill's office and ditched it to protect his reputation. we had her cornered -our improbable duo of wolf and _other_.

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 6

How can your word be reputable when you surround us?" "not reputable?" tanda said. "why - listen here. i'm not afraid of you. i'll have words with you over this. me and my fellows won't back down until we hear an apology."

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Cain Coney, Case One, Chapter Four: Rossini Horns In

"we have it from a . . . reputable source that darrow hired you on matter that was of great importance to him." i sighed. that "reputable source" could really only be one person. "why don't we take this into my office, mr. tosetti?"

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