Temptation 07 - Scene of the Crime
I'd been a full detective for over five years now and had gained a reputation for being a problem solver.
A simple story I ( 14 /22 )
This is part of his reputation. - he also used to make fun of his students ? » fj thought about it. « not that i know of.
The Wanderer - Part I
Because of that he had gotten a reputation as a good bounty hunter very fast. it was said, he had never turned down a job, and, what added more to his reputation, he never failed.
Not All Beginnings Are Good Beginnings
Their reputation was so infamous that even the lylatians had heard of them, years after the war.
Dr. Von Zeppelin for M&M 3E
reputation: it's common knowledge that von zeppelin is the kinkiest supervillain around. responsibility: to his minions carmine, keco and kg.
S1 Ep 29 Payback
Soon alex posted the video and bradley's reputation went from hero to zero and was outcast by the other kids at the school.
Moonlight Sonata (reloaded))
Blames society for the bullshit he goes through nobody gives a damn about him, just a lost cause just another victim, he becomes the bad guy for being an ex-con, now his reputation is ruined.
Break, or How I Became A Superhero
I had a bit of a reputation for reclusiveness. i didn't go out of my way to make friends and didn't typically encourage anyone who tried to get close.
Anger Issues
Her condition, and some of her resulting actions, had earned her a reputation that made sure no one in the area wouldn't even glance her way when it came to jobs.
Fallen Angels, Part five - Night is the time for Killing
Last night, irene admitted she took the bottle of bourbon from gill's office and ditched it to protect his reputation. we had her cornered -our improbable duo of wolf and _other_.
The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 6
How can your word be reputable when you surround us?" "not reputable?" tanda said. "why - listen here. i'm not afraid of you. i'll have words with you over this. me and my fellows won't back down until we hear an apology."
Cain Coney, Case One, Chapter Four: Rossini Horns In
"we have it from a . . . reputable source that darrow hired you on matter that was of great importance to him." i sighed. that "reputable source" could really only be one person. "why don't we take this into my office, mr. tosetti?"