The Sleepover

Right next to the changing table stood a diaper genie that had had the name koda stenciled on it, but that had been crossed out and replaced with hunter right below.

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Boarding Pass (Otherwise Untitled)

The tiger's whiskers twitched as confusion started to replace impatience.

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Stellar Wayfarer: Four

It wasn't till a week later that i woke up and found both my legs, and left arm and eye gone, as well as parts of my skull, hip, and shoulder replaced with cybernetic replacements.

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Rising Anew-Chapter 6, part 1-

He enjoyed the suprised look in her eyes as it was slowly replaced by a look of pure happiness. her tail found its way around his and together they sat in this embrace for several minutes.

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New Beginning

Her skin was replaced with dark black scales and purple scales formed on her stomach and up her shoulders. her nose stretched out to form a muzzle. her feet grew in length and nails were replaced by claws. (she was not wearing any shoes thank goodness.)


Dark Growlithe - Chapter 8

"it will help your wound heal and replace your lost blood. it's not as good as my seaweed ointment but that would burn you since it has to be wet." "i'm making your life hard." "nah. i'm used to treating other types of pokémon.

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A Date With a Scientist (Anthro Cat TF)

He felt his face push out, his teeth retreating into his mouth and were replaced by canines. his tongue elongated as well to fit in his mouth. his blonde hair disappeared, replaced by the black fur all over his body.

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Spectember: Ichthyornithid Parrots

These birds are zygodactylous and have lost the lower jaw teeth, replacing them with a proper hard rhamphotecae; further, they have developed more complex birds, allowing for both increased aerial agility as well as higher intelligence.

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The sundering and the creation of the Space league uniformed troopers (SLUT)

Nearby planets unaffected by the quakes quickly sent aid to their neighbours but all contact with them and the rescue teams was lost almost immediately upon their arrival on the torn open planets, to be replaced by a low buzzing sound, as if a billion pairs


The Chronicles of Tidaka’s realms prolog part 2.

To abolish this system and replace it so that everyone could join and decide what the best choice of action was as a whole. she often explored the ruins of the old world but has been unable to.

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An Interview with Toumal: The SoFurry Search Function

**toumal:** well we're removing most of the tabs and replacing them with a sleeker, less "busy" navigation.

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The Demon King's Revenge - Prologue

The soft fabric was replaced with the stone-cold floor. the lavish and well-lit walls were replaced by the dim darkness and the scraped walls of a jail cell. "nonononono. this can't be happening." cyrus quickly sat up and begin to inspect himself.

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