A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:6

"well it wasn't always this big, we've done a lot of remodeling over the years. we've gotten real good at it." audrey smiled proudly. "dad still hasn't finished the basement right?" vernon smirked. "no he hasn't vernon." audrey groaned.

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Trigger Effect

The fact was that the apartment took up the whole of what was originally a three-car garage, remodeled from floor to vaulted, energy-efficient ceiling, with its entrance discreetly facing away from the house.

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Project D.E: Chapter 1 Call of Duty

He kept on talking to himself as he walked around vast areas, freshly build and remodeled. one could not imagine how terrifying, engulfed in smoke, fire and blood this place once was. now, so pristine, full of light, life and warmth; such a contrast.

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The Health Cruise: Chapter Five

Collin understood that, however ora went on about the remodeling that was done on the ship, the only thing that would help with the size of the door was basically destroying part of the wall.

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Thinking Of You Through the Remnants and Renovations

Theo enters it through a door that didn't used to be there a few months ago in his dining room and thinks some more about how completely remodeling this room would have been almost impossible when his grandpa

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Song in the Dark: Day 2

The interior showed obvious signs of recent remodeling. someone had spared no expense building it up into something classy: polished wood and marble, comfy chairs, architectural touches that eric didn't really know the right words for.

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Rexville 38: The Beach House

Xerxes' beach house was recently remodeled and kept its victorian charm on the outside, but the inside was something new to look up to. xerxes parked the car in the parking spot and turned off the engine. "we're here!"

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Kickaha's Zoo

It had been remodeled since he last saw it. for starters, there were now recliners in it, fancy end tables, and modern art statues around the enclosure. there were two wolves sitting in the recliner, one male, one female.

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Where Land Meets Water - Chapter 2

"i just want to see what kind of remodels i can do here and there, that's all." "that again?


Part 3.

Daigo hadn't remodeled outside on purpose. the trio sat around soft floor mats and exchanged versions, misora clarifying some facts and daigo arguing others.

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Somewhere Out There Act 14 - Here Without You

Overlooking his large room, one that's been remodeled several times just to fit the dragon. he got his father's size, that's for sure. it was hard to believe he used to be able to fit inside a small crib. to only come up to his mother's knees.

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Hole in the Wall: The Little Things. Chapter Six.

I have a lot of things i want to do, remodel the room a bit more so you can move around easier and..." the tiger paused to take his shirt off, tossing it aside without a care before turning from the rodent and starting up the shower for himself.

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