Isolation-Excerpt 25-Ghoul
His chip showed elevated heart rate, high breathing rate, increased blood pressure, a failure of an artificial heart valve regulator and complete exo system's failure.
Robin Epilogue
The builders here work very well, and we don't have any second-rate materials to worry about. it will be very strong and sturdy." robin smiled, patting him on the shoulder.
Handicapping (Pundamentals 1)
rated "all ages," although there's a slightly bawdy joke at the end of the second paragraph that should still pass muster. glad to re-rate, if need be.
Unhappiness - Season 1 Episode 1
If you like the series, please leave a rating and be sure to add a comment! ~thatonefurry770
Unhappiness - Season 1 Episode 1
If you like the series, please leave a rating and be sure to add a comment! ~thatonefurry770
Unhappiness - Season 1 Episode 1
If you like the series, please leave a rating and be sure to add a comment! ~thatonefurry770
The tails of joshua mikoto
"n-no im not" "hmmm" mizuno leans to joshua to check his heart rate but to her shock he's heart rate is beating like a person that has not even ran, she looked at him "josh what are you?, are you okay"?
Skinwalker Ch. 0 - Thursday
This chapter is rated general. movie rating pg-13. this chapter contains: groggy roommates comic mischief gratuitous russian chapter 0 of a series i'll be starting up. it'll continue when enough interest is generated.
Choosing Lycanthropy
Or... the increased healing rate should take care of that. i'm not sure about that though. werewolves have an increased healing rate, right? i stand up and take the penknife to the sink of the cabin. i glance back to the vial, still sitting on the desk.
Love of Twins - Chapter 1
ratings and tags are damn good at mild spoilers xp enjoy and don't be afraid to post a comment! i love hearing from people! (adult rating for violence and blood. sorry folks, no yiff (yet), taking this slow.)
Zombies are Wankers: Long Time No Read
They're closing in on us, but the casualty rate doubles every 25 meters. god, i love the metric system. currently, they suffered 175 casualties, leaving 125 remaining. at the current rate, 200 will die when they-negative numbers!
My First Time, My First Love Ch. 2
"heart rate is 25 bpm." "give him some adrenaline." with that, they stuck him with a small shot, and within seconds, his heart rate was increased slightly, but not enough. this also increased his bleeding from the gunshot wound.