Robin Epilogue
#7 of Cadi, Volume 2: Robin
"I still can't believe I came here with you... the Mother Superior is going to be furious..."
Robin couldn't help but laugh at Caroline's fussing. It was the sixth or seventh time this day that the now former nun had this particular panic attack. "Caroline..." she said emphatically, "How many times do I have to tell you that you are beyond her reach now?"
The tigress, who had (after quite a lot of persuasion) finally abandoned her habit frowned and let out a heavy sigh. "I'm sorry, Robin... It's just... old habits, and all... I've spent so long worrying about her... and here for the last few years, I've been terrified of what would happen if she found out that I was a fur!"
Robin smiled and gave Caroline a big hug. "Well, if she finds out you're a fur now, she can just deal with it. It isn't like you're going to go back to being a human just for her sake, right?"
"No... I wouldn't be able to do that," she admitted with a little grin on her face as she looked out over the town that was being built. It wasn't a big town, but it was cozy, and the community had decided to make it look like it was a medieval English village, though that really was just the outward appearance of it. The bones of the building and all of the amenities inside were quite modern.
Overlooking the town was a castle. Robin hadn't really pushed for her place to look like that... but with how much respect everyone had for her, along with her role as something of a military leader for the island (which was still something she was grappling with) meant that she had very little choice in the matter, on a practical level. Still, it was quite a fine, gleaming structure.
The stag overseeing its construction was quite the presence as he directed the builders. "Yakoub, how's the work going?"
Yakoub turned and smiled at Robin. "It's going very well. The builders here work very well, and we don't have any second-rate materials to worry about. It will be very strong and sturdy."
Robin smiled, patting him on the shoulder. "You may no longer be a landlord here, but I honestly can't think of anyone that I'd rather have helping me manage the community," she said, her pride in how well he was doing showing through.
He smiled and bowed his head to her. "I wouldn't be able to do this if you hadn't brought us here. Back there, the best I could hope to be was a good landlord. And, though I might be... slightly upset that Sofia won't continue with her education... her opportunities here will be much better as well, and all I've ever wanted was for her to have a good life."
Robin beamed at him, at that. "I'm going to do everything that I can to make sure that she has that. Besides, she's been learning very well from the crew... she'll make for a fine spy," she said with a little chuckle.
Yakoub smirked and shook his head. "What matters is her happiness, and she is happy working with you. I am content." It was really the best compliment she could get from him.
"Thank you, Yakoub," she said before continuing on into the castle with Caroline. Things inside were in a fine shape, especially as Robin made her way into the war room, which had a map of the island on the table, while maps of the rest of the planet were up on the flat screens around the room. Tammy had helped to set them up and connect them into the tracking system, especially after she'd incorporated the variance from Robin's energy signature, along with Christine's, Briar's, and Kestrel's signatures.
And now, it wasn't just Jenny heading up the tech side of things, she had a whole team of technicians. It was amazing what resources they had here on the island. I mean, Robin had been doing well with her little ragtag band, back in Nottingham, but this was all on another level.
"You know, at this rate, Tropico is going to be like Wakanda to the rest of Earth," she said to Jenny with a big smirk on her face as she walked up to her.
Jenny laughed and grinned right back, "You're not kidding. But, hey, if we're going to be taking all of their misfits, they're just going to have to learn how to live with that. Not like we're looking to conquer anyone."
"Mmm... as tempting as it might be, given how some places treat their citizens... but that's just not our job."
"And if you even considered it, you would have me to deal with, missy," Caroline said, putting her hands on her entirely too full hips as she glared at Robin. That got a good laugh out of both Robin and Jenny as the vixen shook her head.
"No. No worries about that, hun. I wouldn't have that in me. My consolation is that places like that will have more misfits than average... so they'll have fewer people to abuse," she said with a shrug. "Because once they become misfits... that's when they become ours to help."