Scion 2nd Edition Intro
prophet - mortals who have the power to decipher the machinations of fate. their ability to predict the future is greatly respected by those who seek them out, and greatly feared by those who do not.
Centuries of Secrets Prologue (sort of)
#1 of centuries of secrets the not-so well done prophetic opening to centuries of secrets. i did this in about five minutes because i thought it would help with the weird prophecy-feel that the story will have.
Gods Don't Automatically Do Miracles
They might have seen him as a prophet, but not as a god.
The Red-Ringed Umbreon part 2
}- - - - -{the red-ringed umbreon}- - - - -{ part 2: prophetic justice we had been walking for an hour in the hot sun when i ask, "where are going, exactly?"
Tlumisog: Self-Proclaimed King of Reality - Chapter 1
Even my own siblings ignored my prophetic insight into my own being, and told me i was "mental".
Home, Hearth and Heroes - Chapter 1
"as i said, prophets."
Ander - Chapter 1, Subchapter 34
There was something horrifically prophetic about that, something she didn't even want to think about. she craned her neck to look up at him, and he looked down at her. from this angle his face was upside-down, making his tired smile seem sad.
Illian: Red Twilight
Markus just looked up at him with a gaze that was as solid as stone and said "now is the time for the evils of illian to be removed, therefore, i truly believe the prophet will come."
Short Poetry Collection
Soft eyes stare from all angles floating matches ever winking candle faces ever blinking luminescent prophets ever thinking shards of fire tightly sown in they lurk in a heavy choking cloak.
Tempest Furry: Chapter Two
He likes to think himself as a prophet of sorts. some around the village think he's a bit of a loony though. though i can't blame them at times with the way he acts." colin nodded as he stood from the table, having finished his meal.
Life as an Elite part 2
If you keep up the work you might be able to be at the prophets side." i looked at the arbiter and nodded with a smile. "so to the shooting range first?" i asked. the arbiter shook his head. "no. your going to hit me with it."
Life as a Elite Chapter 2
If you keep up the work you might be able to be at the prophets side." i looked at the arbiter and nodded with a smile. "so to the shooting range first?" i asked. the arbiter shook his head. "no. your going to hit me with it."