Tempest Furry: Chapter Two
#2 of Tempest Furry
Early the next morning, Colin awoke in a slight daze. The smell of the fresh country air filled his lungs. It seemed to wake him up almost instantly. The air here was much cleaner than that of the city back home. There was another scent that came in with the breeze, the smell of breakfast from the kitchen. Quietly he stepped out of the room and walked into the kitchen. Shandra was busying herself with cooking up some eggs and pork for the three of them. Colin sat at the table in the same spot he had the night before. The woman's ears flickered some and she smiled to herself, speaking without even looking back to him. "Good morning, Colin. I hope you slept well on your first night here."
Colin nodded to her, covering his mouth as he yawned before speaking. "Yes, I did thanks." Moments later, Tsuzuki entered the hut with a jug full of fresh drinking water. He took it to the table and sat it in the middle.
Shandra looked over to him "Were there very many people at the well this morning?"
Tsuzuki shook his head "No, not really. But I saw the village elder there and told him of our visitor. He said that he would stop by later to see the 'boy from the heavens' as he put it."
Shandra gave a hearty chuckle. "Oh, that man. He can be quite superstitious at times you know." She put the eggs and pork on a large plate and brought it to the table. Tsuzuki got smaller plates for them to eat from as well as eating utensils.
Colin tilted his head slightly, looking up from his food. "What is the village elder like?" he asked curiously.
Shandra smiled to him "Oh let me see how one could put it." She thought for a moment, and then nodded as she came to a way to explain it. "The man is very set in the old ways, you see. He likes to think himself as a prophet of sorts. Some around the village think he's a bit of a loony though. Though I can't blame them at times with the way he acts." Colin nodded as he stood from the table, having finished his meal. He then excused himself and stepped outside, wincing a bit from the bright sunlight. A group of five children dashed passed him, seeming to be playing a game of hide and seek. As he looked down through the village he saw the girl from last night. Mariana stood, putting a few clothes on a clothesline to dry. To the way the sun shone down on Marianas hair made her look like a goddess to Colin.
The quiet jaguar watched silently from the entry way of the hut. Colin wasn't good with approaching women so he tended to stay away from them as much as possible. But seeing her there, it stirred something. He swallowed hard, his mouth feeling quite dry. Shyly he made his way over to her, a million thoughts raced through his mind as he thought of what he would say. What would she think of him? What if she didn't like him? The thoughts were sending him into a panic. "Hello." A soft voice spoke to him. He looked up and discovered that he was standing in front of Mariana, a bewildered look on his face. Oh no, how long had he been standing there with that stupid expression on his face? Only just met and already messed up. Or did he? Speak, he had to speak.
"Pretty girl..." was all that came from him, followed by a deep blush hidden beneath his fur. Mariana giggled at the remark as she lifted her empty laundry basket.
"Well, pleasure meeting you." she turned and headed back into her house. Tsuzuki spoke from behind Colin.
"Smooth one. Is everyone that articulate where you are from?" Colin gave a grunt and pushed past Tsuzuki, returning to the house where he sat at the table. Shandra looked at his trembling hands as he brought them to his face in his own disgust.
"Oh my dear you seem upset, is something wrong?" she spoke in a gentle, caring tone.
"Wrong? Wrong?!" He spoke excitedly, hands flailing in the air. "Oh no, nothing's wrong, unless you count me making a complete and utter idiot of myself in front of Mariana. Oh man, I'm such a moron!" At this point he just let his head drop and slam against the table. Shandra opened the tap of a barrel, holding a cup under it which filled with water. She then placed it beside Colin and stroked his head softly.
"Aww, there now dear, things will be all right. You were just nervous. Drink some water and calm yourself." Colin nodded and took the cup in trembling hands, sipping at the water.
"I just don't know how to handle myself around women. I have no idea what my problem is." he spoke as he lowered the cup back down onto the table. Just then Tsuzuki entered back into the hut, grinning at Colin.
"Hey, there's Mr. Romance!" he said smugly. Shandra gave him a cold glare. Tsuzuki's ears folded down against his head and he let out a sigh. "Fine, fine I'm sorry." He looked back to Colin. "Come back to my room. You can wear some of my clothing so you don't stick out like an avian in the middle of a musteline convention." Colin stood and walked with him back to Tsuzuki's room for a change of clothes.
Colin was given a red tunic to wear for his stay. It was a bit big on him, but not by much so it wasn't very noticeable. Afterward, Tsuzuki lead him out of the village and they headed down the path toward a large kingdom in the east.