This is the prologue to a my little pony: friendship is magic fanfiction i am writing.
Clean, F/F, M/F, MLP
Composing herself she stepped inside, the ponies following after her.
the main room of the shop was filled with ponies of all kinds, though the majority of them were earth ponies.
Fanfiction, Gryphon, My Little Pony, Pony
Todos los ponis de fondo gritan ¡a divertirnos! en ese momento una pony unicornio desconocida hasta por pinkie pie toma la palabra. su piel era negra, y su melena era de un tono verdoso como la melena de lyra.
M/Herm, Magic, Unicorn
But her tail was stuck on a ponies hoof a certain big black shire shaped pony that wasn't too happy.
after the ponies had stopped cheering they noticed that scootaloo was back to her normal sized wings and started to talk amongst themselves.
Applebloom, Fim, MLP, Mlp fim, OC, Princess Luna, Princess celetia, Rainbowdash, Scootaloo, Transformation, cmc, shire, sweetiebelle
She didn't want to end up like the pony in the photos, and more than that, she wanted to finally be rid of the whispers. she knew what ponies said about her behind her back - not the ponies she was with now, but she knew they were the exception.
Applejack, Crossover, Delirium, Love, MLP, Pony, Romance
Spike flew off towards where the dead pony was. he landed near a pony and asked if the attacked pony was still there. a little taken aback, the pony nodded and pointed to a figure under a sheet. spike walked over to the body and lifted the sheet.
Blood, Dark, Dragon, Gore, Horror, My Little Pony, Wolf
After a few minutes the ponies saw a strange, cream colored unicorn mare walking towards them, with twilight sparkle and rainbow dash at her side, and a short way behind them three other ponies walked, an earth pony, an unicorn pony and a pegasus
Bleach, Clean, My Little Pony, No-Yiff