Welcome to Equestria chapter 6

Story by Hotshot23 on SoFurry

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chapter six yay

** ~~~~Chapter 6~~~~ **

~~~~Mane Six Meetup~~~~

So, fun party, right? Good, good. But, in our adventure, it's not all fun and games. Things will get sad sometimes, but we just gotta go through it, so that's why we're including our little sad story, so this is a bit of a warning of what's to come. Even though our adventure is mostly funny, we still recommend reading the small important part. (We still made it up on the spot at the time, but it did prove to be what we needed it to be.)

Without further ado, try to enjoy and don't cry. Much.

~Blu and Hotshot

~~~~Viewpoint: Blu~~~~

After the laughter was done with, the last match continued...

"Well, that was a bit weird." Pinkie Pie commented with a smile as she put a hoof to her chin. "But anyway, where were we?"

Twilight had already wiggled out from under the pink pony and touched her grey hoof goal. Pinkie was left floating in the same position, and once she realized it, she immediately fell to the ground.

The circle of ponies applauded while me and Blu chuckled and gave a slow clap. "Well done, Twi." Pinkie applauded as well. Time passed and we played a few more games. A lot of them we felt we had played before in the "human" world. After the games there was a little more dancing but as the dancing ended, Pinkie decided to make one last announcement that made me turn my head.

"Thank you everypony for showing up to my party the music was provided my pal Vinyl Scratch. Oh, and the games from Lyra!!" The pink host cheered.

'Looks like Celestia isn't the only one who tracked us humans...' I thought to myself as the ponies were slowly leaving the room. "Also, Blu, Hotshot, could you two stick around for just a bit longer?"

Hotshot and I shared curious looks, but both gave a nod to the party pony and started going over to her.

A few moments later, everypony else other than us and the elements of harmony were left in the room.

"So..." I started. "What's all this about?"

Rainbow Dash spoke up. "Well, it seems you two have met us all, right?"

We both nodded, so our rainbow-themed friend continued. "And you've heard of the Elements of Harmony, right?"

Another nod from the both of us. "There were five elements known and one undiscovered." I stated simply. "The five known were Loyalty, Kindness, Honesty, Laughter, Generosity, and the recent sixth one would be Magic."

"That's right, and that's us." Rainbow Dash said proudly. She then named off the elements, each pony acknowledged who they are in their own way.

"Awesome." Hotshot commented. "Now, what does this have to do with us?"

"It's from my testing and contact with the Princess." Twilight stated. "Both of you have very much potential power, so I contacted Princess Celestia and asked if she knew of you two. She acknowledged that she had come in contact with you before and she apologizes for the meeting not being as long as it could have been."

"That's perfectly fine." I said with another nod. "The circumstances were not exactly time-allowing when we met."

"Yes, and that's why she's asked us to keep our eyes on you two. Not in a bad way, but to just make sure everything goes alright here. She didn't exactly explain why you're both here though, so that is also why we decided to hold this little meet-up." The lavender mare further explained.

"That's simple enough." Hotshot started. "When we were born, we both had significantly small magical reserves, such as why we have these amulets."

"I'm sorry, but that is extremely hard to believe after the test we did in my lab." Twilight answered.

"Well, here's the kicker." my green friend said with a smirk. "Thanks to these amulets, they've increased our power by 20%, sometimes more than that if we manipulate it right.

"Of course, my friend here being the show-off that he is decided to manipulate it a bit too far and got that horrible headache." I said.

"I'm still a little dizzy." He said. "Even after that spell."

"What about when you stopped Lyra like that?" RD asked suspiciously.

"No, I wasn't using the amulet there." My friend explained. "That is why I said that I thought a lot of ponies could do it."

"Yeah, that does make sense." Twilight remarked. "It doesn't take too much magical reserve to do a simple levitation spell, it just takes a remarkable reaction time to do it as fast as you did, in which somepony like Rarity would be approximately 35% slower to react that fast. No offence of course."

"None taken darling." The white unicorn assured with a smile as she listened to the conversation.

"I see." Hotshot commented with great interest. "Anything else you're wondering about?"

"Umm, I have a question, if you don't mind me asking." Fluttershy said shyly. As he nodded, she continued. "Where did you come from, considering you're an Alicorn like the Princess?"

Hotshot closed his eyes and tried to remain calm. Luckily for him, I put his hoof on his shoulder. "I have this, bro." I assured him. He nodded as I started with what I came up with as my story, which I hoped would be believable and convincing enough.

"Hotshot here doesn't exactly know where he was born." I started off. "According to Celestia, there was a group of ponies that once visited a place called 'Dragon Valley.' Some were from Canterlot, Manehattan, even from Cloudsdale. Along that journey to Dragon Valley, one of the pony couples must have had him. How he was born an Alicorn, I have no idea and I'm not sure Celestia did either. But when they got to Dragon Valley, some sort of magical scientist must have tested a bit of magic on how they worked with the Dragons, which caused a few to go mad and start killing the group."

A few of the ponies gasped while others remained silent. I paused to clear my throat.

"As you might be seeing where I'm going with this, my friends parents, along with most of the group died there. Few lived to tell the tale. Of course, among the ones that lived, Hotshot was there, but he was left behind at Dragon Valley, so that's where he managed to grow up. Fed by dragons, trained by dragons, raised by dragons, and got his quite fiery cutiemark." I paused for another moment to collect my thoughts. "Among them, one of the dragons started questioning why they were raising what they called a 'monstrosity' among their own kind. When Hotshot started hearing of this, he began to doubt himself."

"I eventually ran away from the ones I used to call family." Hotshot continued, giving me a break. "I wandered for days, trying to find a new place with my own kind, and there, I stumbled upon Manehattan, where I met Blu. He was nice enough not to question my origin and befriend me. He taught me the way's of society, got me started on some sort of thing I could do where I wasn't judged."

"Flash-forward a year and we met the Princess of the Sun, which we actually managed to talk about his past." I continued once again. "It started in the Everfree. I had lost my job and house and Hotshot wanted to come with me to see where-else we could go. I didn't want to stay in Manehattan so we went someplace more quiet. A lake was where we stayed for a little bit, thinking of what we could do. Celestia appeared in the lake's reflection, and before we knew it, we had met the Princess of the Sun. She said we were destined for greatness or something like that, 'cause I still kinda doubt that, but then she gave us these amulets, to help us on our journey to Ponyville, where she wanted us to go."

"Well, now you see why I didn't want to talk about my side of the story. I was a freak. An 'accident.' Nobody wanted me. I was a nopony till I met Blu." My green friend finished off with tears rolling down his eyes.

The Mane six just sat there with their mouths wide open. Fluttershy was the first to approach Hotshot in a warm hug. One by one, the others put a hoof on him to help the situation, as did I.

In the back of my mind, I silently wondered why I put them through the story, but then again, I did seem to have a bit of talent of storytelling after all. Only other thing that worried me was what they might do if they found out it was made up. Most likely, Celestia would have to be around to explain everything so they wouldn't try to kill us. But for now, it was the perfect cover.

After the sappy stuff was done, Hotshot spoke up once again. "Thanks, but let's get back to business. Is there anything else you want to know or want us to know? 'cause I'm quite tired."

"No, I don't think so we'll leave you two to rest" Twilight said as she beckoned her friends to come along.

"Alright, See you later and thanks for the party!" I called with a smile.

As we both went to our room in the inn we both looked at the room's surroundings. There was two beds thankfully, along with a painting of the two princess'.

"This isn't too bad." I commented while getting into my chosen bed.

"You know what I almost forgot?" Hotshot asked while getting in his own.

"What?" I asked in return.

"That little poem that I wrote. I called it 'My thoughts in a nutshell'" He continued. "I almost forgot it until that one story you told the mane six."

'Ah, shoot.' I thought in the back of my mind. It was the one poem that always worried me.

"I remembered it off by heart it went 'The depths of my despair and loss of oneself cut deeper than a sword could match it feels like i'm hiding behind a mask and there is one thing that can remove this mask....death the comfort that comes to everybody but there's one thing that's stopping me from giving myself such comfort, my friends and the thought that I don't deserve such comfort to rest and sleep forever in silence'" He said reciting the poem.

"That poem always did worry me." I said with a sigh.

"I thought you said it was deep stuff?" He responded with confusion.

"Yeah, but it always seemed too dark for my taste, and it really does show signs of some interesting stuff." I replied. "I'll just remind you, since it's just you and me, I'll always be there for you bro."

"Yeah, I know Blu, I know." He said as we drifted off to sleep.

Little did we know at the time, Celestia was receiving another letter.

~~~~Viewpoint: Princess Celestia~~~~

~~(Previous Letter)~~

Dear Princess Celestia,

There are two new and unusual ponies in Ponyville, named Blu and Hotshot. Now I had brought them to my library when I noticed the amulets around their necks. They told me it enhanced their magic by a little bit so I decided to have a test of my own, and let me tell you, they were definitely impressive. They both showed great strength, after the fact of Blu putting up a soundproof shield in an instant, but Hotshot ended up getting some type of extreme headache.

Since Hotshot was an Alicorn however, I would assume you know at least a little bit about him. Nopony gets to be an Alicorn other than you and Princess Luna naturally, right? Anyway, going to meet up with them at the party Pinkie is planning for them, like she does with most everypony that decides to stay in Ponyville. Will probably send another letter after the party.

Ready and waiting,

Your most faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle.

~~(Current Letter)~~

Dear Princess Celestia,

The party was fun. A bit different than usual, but fun. However, the meetup we had with Blu and Hotshot ended more sad than fun.

The questions we started out with were innocent enough, but Fluttershy ended up hitting quite the nail about Hotshot's past. If they really talked to you, which they seemed truthful enough that they did, you would know what we talked about. We didn't get too much info from Blu however since the focus was on Hotshot's story. I'll see if I can learn more another time.

Other than what we've learned, we're still going to be wary of them, but we'll help them out as much as we can. Then again, this is also an excellent opportunity to have some more friends, which is always good. But, I'm getting ahead of myself. First thing we'll do is set them up with some permanent living arrangements, jobs that can handle their talents, and Rarity will probably make them some sort of clothing to go with their amulets, because that's Rarity for you.

Looking forward to seeing you at the Summer Sun Celebration!

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle.

"Hmm, interesting. What could those two have come up with to make something sound so saddening." I commented to Luna who was in front of me.

"What is the matter, sister?" She asked with a concerned look that matched my own.

"Just read this letter." I said as I handed it over to her with my magic. I looked to the night sky as she looked it over.

"Does this bode well?" She asked me. " Both you and I have seen their secrets, but I do not think I can look into this any further tonight."

"Well, one thing's for sure. Those two can handle themselves with their stories. But looking at what they've gotten into, it's a good thing the Summer Sun Celebration is coming up. I'll talk to them soon." I commented.

"Indeed. But something usually comes up when new beings enter Equestria, don't they, Tia?" She speculated with a small smile.

I gave a chuckle. "Yes, but not tonight. I had better get some rest."

"Of course, sister. Have a pleasant rest." My lunar sister blessed.

"I'll try my best. Goodnight sister." I said as I left the room for a long needed sleep.

Welcome to Equestria chapter 7

** ~~~~Chapter 7~~~~ ** ~~~~Run of the Mill~~~~ * * * So... Chapter 7. This is going to be fun. Mostly. If we make sure everything goes well. But of course, things don't go our way most of the time. Ah well, more fun for you guys...

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Welcome To Equestria: Chapter 5

** ~~~~Chapter 5~~~~ ** ~~~~Party with the Mares!~~~~ * * * You know how this is going to roll, don't you? Well, we're here to say you're wrong! This ain't no regular Pinkie Party! Get ready for more twists, turns, and 'interesting'...

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Welcome To Equestria: Chapter 4

** ~~~~Chapter Four~~~~ ** ~~~~First Day in Ponyville~~~~ * * * We're finally getting into the First Arc? Celebrate! Or not? Okay... Actually, no, you won't ruin our moods. Mane 6, here we come! ~Blu and Hotshot * * * ...

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