Leaving it For The Future

You go to all the trouble hiring the best swordsmen to teach me how to fight, gather up countless sages to teach me how to learn, put together the best philosophers to teach me how to reason, and then hire a band of adventurers to teach me what-- humility

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all best efforts still ended in failure

We were going to defeat the demon... we could do it, we had the very best minds in science working on it, we had the very best philosophers working in it. we had everyone working on it, at first.

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Finding One's Way; Chapter 1 - Michael

"some furs are just jerks, but they get what they dish out eventually", said luke in a philosophical manner; or at least as philosophical as someone could be when holding a sandwich. all of this was great at getting rid of my bad mood.

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Warm Up | 23 - Lost Then Found

No, and he clarified, "i'm not a philosopher, but that is the million-credit question on every science team's heads right now. why the great flash?" "do you know what caused it?"

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SENTIENCE - Chapter One - Orbit

I decided to leave it to the philosophers back on earth. either way, the part of me that was going to be landing was crammed in the shield with the orbiter. i hardened my form against the internal stabilizers, bracing for impact.

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Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 23: Summer Holiday, Part 2

"bites and philosophical stuff aside," tom continued, making max turn to look at him. "you know, i always took you as the perfect one, max. you're super popular, everyone likes you. heck, just one smile and everyone's all over you.

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The Banished Wars - Volume One

While the lutrachan philosophers were amazed that the canideras were so similar to them, the reptilians only sought to enslave them; or to establish their authority over the caniderans.


A Lost Soul

But enough philosophical talk, it is time to introduce myself. at the beginning of my adventure, the date was october 12 2009, (random i know, just deal with it) my name is terrance walker, and still is, a fourteen year old teen.

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The Lords of Elemestara (prolog)

Much of his work revolved around the study of the stars and skies, thus the greatest of thinkers and philosophers made their home in the northwestern quarter of the city with him.

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SPQR Chapter 7

Morality is an abstract concept that the philosophers can formulate while their rulers go about bringing prosperity for the nation, by any means necessary. i am a god- my will is divine and good for the people. and here you stand trying to oppose me.

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A widely shared tarsial philosophical concept is that not only is there never only one way of dealing with a given situation, there are never only choices between two opposite extremes either, and that if two alternatives look as bad as each other, there has

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You ARE a writer! : Srsly (2nd step on the road to success!)

You need to have an introspective philosophical and psychological journey into the heart and soul of who you are, why you write, and why you read.