FoxTail Prologue
Shifters who didn't mind the registration law worked with humans to create an organization, whose sole purpose was to ensure that the new laws were being upheld, this organization was name the 'special agency of force and escalation' or s.a.f.e.
Kevin Foxboy 01
But, the dark side showed up: blood was healthier, but organs were not. enter r2g1 entire organs. replace a sick person's blood just like an automobile oil change. now replace damaged lungs, stomachs, intestines, livers, kidneys.
Veniferium (Incomplete)
The hazards of veniferium often are more deadly than one would assume due to the fact it breaks down molecules and compounds down into their baser forms, including organic molecules used to form all living things.
Common organics, like ami was.
Midline Shift 38 - Amongst the Geth
The anomaly has been obtained by a group of organics who plan to use it as a weaponised program.
Character Sheet: Eros.
Most of the earlier test subjects had been unable to survive the introduction of nanites in their bloodstream, but it all changed when they found a favorable organism capable of constantly regenerating itself even while their vital organs were under great
Calling All Furs
The group organization 42 are filled with one of the other problems with doing god's work... mutations.
_tobias had been sent to intercept a dealing with an evil organization known as scales, known for having all lizard members.
The Guilded Cage, Ch 7
Even as the nibblers were resetting their activities and determining the new normal the other organizations were having issues of their own.
Network Lore - Elshaan Species
Their technology, if we can call it by that, is entirely organic.
Always Read the Fine Print AND Awakening
As they were inserted, some of the metal arms would quickly release their grasp on the writhing teen they constricted, to grasp one of the newly inserted organs while another arm cut out one of the teen's, the two organs where switched and the teen was stitched
The Dragon Warrior: Space Adventure Chapter 19 (END)
And if you're so advanced machines, why are you organic?" "organic? there's nothing 'organic' in our body. you scientific requirements for 'organics' don't apply to us.