Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 44: The Only Thing That Is The End Of The World Is The End Of The World
Elsewhere, spirit and what was left of the rebellion retreated to the only place left for them- the oasis...
The Galactic Leonian Empire
Building an army of caliber to that of the wealthiest coastal kingdom, they conquered their immediate neighbors, claiming an oasis and slaves to begin digging up more sites.
Chapter 4
As he gained distance from the oasis, the cocky thief turned to look back as he heard the young warrior's angry cries.
Jungle Queen
Pantherea explores the desert then notices an oasis. she could use a refill on her water, so she decides to explore it.
[Draconicon] Order of the Black Foot, Chapter 2: Recruiting the Ice Mage
_but at least the oasis will be cool._ after a few minutes, crested the hill between him and the geyser of the oasis, and even though his feet felt like they were burning up, he paused, staring down at it.
Ileum collision - Infidelity and Chicanery: Fungal ambrosia and the hero's journey
Apart from more poetic tangents, it didn't take long for the duo to get a move on, with lance's sandcycle being well hidden in a small cave relatively close to the oasis.
Neroindra -- Prologue
Of course the four were lucky to be living in an oasis out in the savannah, but the sand storms that can frequently would often be bothersome. "heh.. you should just learn to stop."
," oforg grabbed jack's wrist and pulled him along "ummmmmmmm......ok i guess," jack said they walked until they came upon a large oasis, and in the middle of the oasis was a shack. there was three figures waiting out in front of the shack.
Continued Exchange, Part 5
And with that, he led the way to the oasis. \*\*\* simba didn't sleep well that night. faline found him the next morning looking exhausted. "goodness," she said, "what happened to you?"
Pt 3 - The Druid's Oasis
Lily hummed and skipped as she went through the paths of the forest, a winding, twisting trail that seemed endless and aimless. She moved along happily, never once questioning her choice of direction or aim, even as Gux followed along, getting tangled...
Fugitive's Trust Chapter 8 Part 1 of 2
He was heading straight towards east oasis but had no way of knowing what direction the two youths had taken. blade would have pointed them the right way. he had to have faith in the trapper.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VIII Chapter 7
#158 of the legend of spyro: path of delusions chapter 7 "i'm sorry" coriza winced, they left the oasis, yet before heading back to warfang they made a small detour, she couldn't show herself like this in the city.