I'm Coming Home
~~Wayne Magill~~ I'm coming home today Home to my sweetheart, And now I'm here to stay So we'll never have to part. It'll be so good to see her face After so much blood and death, I'm so glad to be from that place Back to my home on the...
After the Storm - Part 17 [The Aura]
"Are you feeling better a bit now?" Jason asked, supporting his partner, Charlie, as they made their way through the destruction ahead of them. They braved fires, blistering hot terrain and weaved past boulders and burnt logs that were thrown there by...
A Dragon's Tale Genesis-Chapter 8-Eastern Ally
My dad had given to me when i left for the military and i was afraid i might lose it,thankfully,i hadn't. i looked it over and clasped it tightly and placed it n the stone.
A Dragon's Tale Genesis-Chapter 6-Expect The Unexpected
The flight into Iraq didn't take thirty minutes. We touched down at an American firebase where a few soldiers with a combat dog were waiting to meet us. "Major Mason sir!",the man with the dog said standing at attention and saluting me. "At ease...
After the Storm - Part 6 [The Patrol - Part 3]
"So, Charlie, still upset over what happened back there?" Jason asked as the two patrolled the streets of the market district. The two had just taken down two criminals attempting to rob the Union Bank. In a heated rage though, Charlie turned on Jason...
After the Storm - Part 5 [The Patrol - Part 2]
The screaming filled the streets followed by the sounds of gunshots as the two robbers exited the bank and fled. The two masked robbers, a scrafty and a scraggy by the looks of it, fled the bank, guns blazing and sacks of money in hand. The civilians...
Why Did I Volunteer for This?
He's back home now and in the army reserves because of a shoulder injury, but he still enjoys his time in the military. i did not fix any errors or try to make it better, this is exactly what i wrote back then.
A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 1-In The Begining
Location: 5 miles north of Laos,Vietnam Operator:John Alex Mason Target:Wyatt Clarke Mission:Rescue Time:1220 hours "The barge matches intel,Issac said,Wyatt's probably on broad." "BRING US ALONGSIDE HUDSON",I shouted over the...
The Breaking Point: Chapter 2
A military grade m82. many of you know it as the barrett .50. everyone just stood in awe as i slowly walked over. i couldn't stop laughing at the expressions on their faces!
Not So Retired Any More VI
Comments welcome, sorry for the shorter chapter. Too much going on today :) Chapter VI - Snares _Too fucking quiet._ Arlen tried to keep his mind clear as Shield team moved straight down the street of the Rocinha...
Guardians: Chapter one
Guardians: Chapter One: The First Mistake The dragon was laying on the beach his red scales glimmering in the sun. He stretched always-loving days off and the beach. A shadow passed over him and stopped, he cracked an eye and looked up at the...
Memorial to a Coyote
The beach in Northern France was so quiet and so serene, a polar opposite of that day decades ago. This was Memorial Day for Nathan Calhoun and for the first time in decades Mr. Calhoun, the elderly coyote, grey in his muzzle, saw the beach which he in...