Spyro: Return of Darkness, Chapter 18 -- On The Road Again?

In the short time he'd known him, spyro had seen solar go from a strong-willed, steel-faced militant of paralos to a caring but heart-broken dragon.

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The Draconian Story: Chapter 4

Outside the post, where he only saw union guards sparing and relaxing instead of drilling themselves up like militants, he drank his coffee in the cold base.

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The Reveal (a fragment)

Soren had a somewhat gleeful, feral look about him; kenny looked like he was militant and tough. "and you knew that, already. you know what happened. you found out. i also told you, but i lied, because i couldn't just \_tell\_ you, leo," dr.

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Leviathan 03: The Professional Difference

Vick rolls her eyes, smoothing out the same crease in her militant business skirt that's been bothering her for the better part of an hour. kal adds, "_you're_ late, that's not my fault." "by an _hour_, kal. this is beyond unreasonable."

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How Legends are Made Part 2 Chapter 2

The pair of militants walked up the steps that lead to the large glass doors set into the wall.

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All's fair... Ch. 4

The city was not very dissimilar to a militant fort, the only hints that it wasn't were the numerous houses, and the children running rampant through the streets. "brigand central welcomes you, population: scum and lowlifes," otto joked.

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Beyond My Grasp 2 - Kidding Around

James was becoming more distrustful of the alpha sections, thinking back to the protesters and wondering if perhaps he was in some sort of militant state, a seemingly peaceful city with an underhanded underside.

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The Tale of Durante and Angelus Ch 1: A Place to Call Home, Part 4

He came from a more militant family and all the members of the family kept their hair short.

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Love's Battlefield - Volume 8

He knew his father to be a fair and reasonable man, one that despite his martial, militant upbringing favored using words to solve his problems as opposed to fists and sheer force.

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“More Then Meets The Eye” (A Story Where Fur-haters get what they deserve)

Thug unlike his brother had an unpleasant militant attitude that instantly made you think escaped from a boot camp. tony received the name "troll" due to the warts covering his face and his fat beer belly made him look even more like a real troll.

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StarFox Universe [R]aid: 01 Nothing is Routine Anymore

The men paused before james asked, "this looks like they are becoming militant. notice his uniform. is that imperial?" "i'm not sure. but see those insignias on the human soldiers? that's an imperial aegis. that one a longinus.

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