Dragon Reincarnation part four

I had asked my mother about the green dragon xyon mentioned, and her eyes had filled with intense fear. she had wanted to know if i'd seen that dragon, her tone sharp. i said no, that i'd heard of it mentioned by other animals on my trip.

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Groot: Chapter 7

"triest never said, but he did say that bastard was behind it," troid mentions his conversation with the young man. "that defiantly put an interesting spin on lider's cause.

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Galactic Conflict - Chapter Two

"seeing this place in this state is depressing," tang mentioned before continuing toward the exit of the building. "no wonder you haven't responded to yukiomaru." jun hesitated a moment when he heard the fox's name being mentioned.

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Grayson 1

Displaying that same cleverness that i mentioned a moment ago, she asked which one of the ideas had a particular interest for me.

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Protector of the Planet

I may not mention how i got the characters in alliance to the hero, but i will mention that book or movie, etc that they come from. an asterisk is where ill mark those characters who are not my own.

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Poem #29: Truth and Lies

, being with more than one at a time; so humble, mentioning only your best achievements; so loved, by all your peers you don't know; so open, covering up all the pain, the misery, and the mistakes.

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S5 Ep8-The Kingdoms of Gaia

The ancestors were mentioned in the history of gaia episode, but one thing that they did not know of another kingdom that was not mentioned at this point.

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Dire Situations - Chapter 2

Something i didn't mention before that i probably should have mentioned to begin with is that this story will be focused around 2 first-person main characters (for now), which ultimately results in more confusions as to which one is which.

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The Observer Stories Log 1

As is mentioned in this first log, there's definitely some interesting and likely illegal/grey area things done at this facility. this is some backstory of the world i am creating for laser jam.

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First Meeting

Any other side effects you forgot to mention?" "forgot to mention? no. plenty that i abstained from mentioning though. some are more fun to find out on your own." he followed quietly for a few minutes before speaking again, "you better not be smiling.

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The Hiding Diversity (writers block ah!)

Within seconds after mentioning that seija waved to calvin and ran off to find him.



(ran into an old flame, one i dare not mention by name) (one that, till this day, leaves me feeling a bit of shame) (good & bad, happy & sad, such a feeling to know, they still feel the same...) what to do... ... ... torch-sure...

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