The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book III Chapter 3
" he started insulting them for ruining our game! he was so dumb back then that he couldn't even recognize a sword when he was looking at it!
The Photographers Apprentice - Chapter ten: Déjà Vu
I heard todd shout from the kitchen as he then emerged in doorway, stuffing his cheeks full of coco pops, a broad grin now smeared across his muzzle.peter was too emotionally fatigued to retort to todd's half insult.
A Name, Not A Number (Chapter 1)
As tobias walked with josh, talking about abstract art, tobias's favorite type of art, they got their normal, insulting remarks.
Splintered Light, Chapter 5.2: Intervention
Once again the salamander nodded thoughtfully, but he didn't bother pausing before pressing the question "so there is no sense in insulting you to your face because he would risk bodily injury.
Billy the Kid
The goat was very young, only 12 years old when the landlord for the filthy dumbbell tenement he and his mother lived in made the fatal mistake of insulting her.
SPQR Chapter 7
It would be the beginning of his fall from grace and public humiliation- martellus knew those who insulted the emperors would be thrown into prison and then executed in the arenas as part of entertainment for the masses.
ii. Working the Counter (12~1~07)
"what, did you just go through a japanese-english dictionary and pick out all the insulting words and phrases?" samantha rolled her eyes and shook her head. "no." she glanced around covertly and leaned forward.
The Queen's Punishment
We have created a free and open society and you can say anything you want about us without fear of reprisal except personally insulting the queen.
Shiny Pennies on Parade
You don't know when to insult something that needs to be insulted. and gregorian chants ... need insulting. the sooner you admit that, the better you'll be." field made a face.
Erik Kijani: The Hildegard Interview
As far as insulting her back, he only mumbled some foul words in swahili. she was relentless, though. she earned her reputation by never once giving in, never once showing her age.
Gnoll Brigand: Prologue VII
First came the insults about your family, detailing how cozy you must be under your doting mother's watch. so, you told aramil to stand off to the side somewhere.
Ch. 6: Savage Fury
He wasn't as strong as the others, but he was more intelligent than the lot and that meant he was the best out of them all at throwing out insults. the smallest one, mos, was also the youngest.