The Guardian Part 2 [One-Hour Story]
The boy and the wolf quickened their pace as they were buffeted by blasts of frost from accumulating snow. the boy shivered, but he said nothing.
magic wells
And the first stop was easy in and gone the boy was still a baby so he was healed and taken with well boy in carrier to the next boy to be healed the home of this boy was a rich home so the well boy entered and healed the boy while taking him to safety in
Chapter 1: Getting In
Don't you boy?
Revenge of The Nerds - Ch2: My Kingdom for a Fraternity Home
Reika takes the number, and gives guy a wink. "sure thing...guy~" she said his name in a rather seductive tone, which almost made guy faint. "alright ladies, thank you for your time! we will be going now!"
The Tower
Arthington held out his other paw in front of him to which the boy cautiously took it. slowly getting the boy up on his legs, the bear continued. "how's about clayton? you like the sound of that, boy?" the child stared sullenly at him, teary-eyed.
Code Oblivion: Rebellion (reboot): Prologue
The boy gave a tiny almost unnoticeable nod before closing his eyes. "good boy," alistair said as he patted the boy lightly on the head before he took the syringe and stabbed it into the boys neck. with a pained yelp the boy went very still.
Mayday!!! Mayday!!! Mayday!!! (2)
Once out, martin wanted to start to say that the boy should look at him but then he saw that the boy had eyes closed and so he only moved him downwards to the boat.
Starry Eye'd Dreamers
"that boy! it was that boy wasn't it!" the girl, cringed from her father, drawing herself up into a ball to escape her fathers rage. he forbid her to ever see the boy again. he threatened to cut her off completely if she ever did see him again.
The Tale of the Dragon & Wolf
One day a little boy wondered over the hill and down to the pond seeing the little girl. "whats the matter," the boy asked.
{The Conquest} - Chapter 2 - The Essence of Power
Her hand rose up as she dropped it down, signalling for her men to arrive. masked men with hoods arrived in the darkness that befell the capital.
The Big Break
But as he neared the boy began to suspect he was the director of the ordeal. chuck motioned the boy off the vehicle as the cart made it's final stop. standing next to the lapin man made the boy feel small.
{Special Episode} -- Forgotten Memories -- Part One -- (Prologue)
He said, as he gazed at the running male.