Chapter 1: Getting In

Story by Hypnocub on SoFurry

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#1 of Daddy tales

Hey, hello there boys, this is my first attempt to do a story, I'm not that good but I'll try my best; hmm something left, oh yeah the usually warning, well, there's no yiff... yet, but I think you'll like it, in here are involving some special stuff, hypnosis, cub, videogames, if it's not your taste just get out of here, but.... if want to have a ride in my words, then just come on, sit on my lap, and let me get into your mind hehehe XD

This story starts quite simple, I'm Jones Bear, in this town the people calls me Uncle Jones, but some others in secret calls me Papa Bear, why? I know you'll finds out...

I live in a small town, away of all that city shit, it's a clean and peaceful place, but the best of all, there's a lot of cute young cubs, hehe yeah, I thinks you know what I like already, didn't you?

I've come to this place before I finish my services for the government, of what kind? he, just the usual, a top secret program, a useful program not only for my country, for me too * grins *. Here, nobody knows what I did or what was my really job, for all I'm just a retired teacher, a big kind bear owner of a local full of video games, but not only that, I help the cubs with their problems in school, you know, homework, mathematics, I teach them the necessary to have a good notes, that's why all the people love me, that's why I can "work" peacefully in here, hehe yeah, I love this town *smokes his pipe*.

Since I started my business here, a lot of cubs have come attracted by the music, lights, and of course, the video games, the place it's big, almost 70 machines, it's a little dark with some disco lights, the most darkened section is where I am, in the deepest part of this place, I can see everything from here, every corner, every cub, nobody escapes from my eyes, or from my disguised lusty glance... well, I did my best to have everything necessary to make my local a safe place, not only for the boys, for the parents too, with their trust and with the addition of my reputation, my local became the favorite place for all the cubs.

Everything is perfect, don't you think? Where is the part when all the things become naughty? hehe, just right now, in this place, unaware for all; even for the cute cubs, just behind a simple door that cover my insane desires, inside, there are special video machines I made, they have all my knowledge of my government works and my hope to make all my dreams come true, be sure they'll become true... * evil grin *

"Hi Erin, time for some fun?" I asked the cutest fox boy I ever seen in this town. "hi Uncle Jones, yep, I'm ready to beat that game" he smiled at me and waved his tail happily, that's just enough to almost make me jump over him, but not right now, I'll have my time later to search any space of that cutie with my hands and of course, with my tickler tongue, "I see boy, but I think you will have to wait, you're not the only one who wants to deal with that game" the cub looks at the machine, full of boys eager to be the first in beat this new game, "damm..." "Well boy, there are many machines here, you can play in other game meanwhile they finish", he thinks for a while looking at the floor, "well, I don't have other things to do..., thanks Uncle Jones", the boy started to search in all the machines, but in every one, an air of disappointment filled his cute lil' face, and with some resignation he dropped a coin in one and started to play... I was pretending to read a magazine but in fact, I was just looking at the place, all the boys are concentrating in that game, the rest of the place, alone, hehe the perfect moment to have some... test, and the perfect subject for that test is here, my cute Erin boy.

In this precisely instant my foxy boy stopped playing, of course, when you're playing without fun the game will always beat you, he looked around, the things didn't change a lot, the machine was completely surrounded by other boys, with more disappointment he walked slowly where I am, "sigh, I think they'll never leave, so I think it's better to get going". "Come on boy, you just have come, Are you going to go so early?" "I... I don't want but.... " "hmm, Erin... do you really want to play the game so badly?", he looked at me with his beautiful eyes "yeah uncle Jones, why?" "well boy maybe I can do something for you, but you have to make me a favor" I get close to him and whisper into his ear "you have to keep the secret of what I will show you, got it?" he looked at me with some confusion in his face, but it washed away when I smiled at him and winked at him, "ok Uncle Jones" "promise?" "promise!", he smiled back, I opened the little door in the counter and he passed quickly and then I opened the door to the storage room, before we got in I asked my friend Axel to take care of the business, Axel it's a "friend" with a very long and interesting story, but that it's for another time hehe, this is the time for my cute Erin foxy boy.

"wow, you have a lot of machines Uncle Jones, why you have them in here?" I pet his cute head and start to connect one of the machines, "for many reasons boy but that's not important, here, take a look of this one" he walks slowly getting closely at the screen, then my boy makes a big eyes, his lil mouth open wide... "it's... it's..." "yes Erin, it is your favorite game, you can play with it if you want" "thanks a lot Uncle Jones" he told me almost with tears in his puppy-like eyes and hugged me, heh, I love that face and his way to say thanks, I rub his back slowly, and then, my desires started to grow up fast, I'm tempted to follow his back to the end, to get my hands under his clothes and feel his warm and softness fur, but I stopped myself, that moment will come soon, and my Erin boy won't be able to stop me, he will become my cute willing pet ...

"the game just has some color problems but do not worry" "that doesn't matter if I can play this game", he stared anxiously at the screen, I smiled "then come on boy, it's all yours, I'll be fixing this other one while you are playing" "yeah, time for the king to beat you game" he dropped the coin and started to play, I smiled and went to the other machine, but that one is not a game machine hehe, in the screen I can see the images from the camera placed in the one my Erin boy is playing, it allows me to control the lights and sounds too, so I can do everything I want from here, I just sit and waited, making some noises pretending I was fixing it, one of my hands ran to my crotch and rubbed it softly, I saw through the cam his enthusiastic face, all his cute gestures when he won or when he lost something.

Fifteen minutes had past, and now my boy was completely concentrated in the game, now... it's the time for my test, I quickly start the program and some fast flashes start to appear in Erin's screen, he blinked some times but got accustomed quickly to the flashes and continued playing, I smiled for what was about to come, I pressed another button and the flashes started to appear more and more often, faster than before, he blinked again, he move his head trying to not see but he was in a crucial moment of the game, he couldn't stop right now, he has to kill that boss, he needed to......

I waited a little more, the boy was now mesmerized not only by the game but by the flashes too, his face started to relax and his eyes started to close a little, his mouth started to make a beautiful soft smile, his hands moved slower, not paying to much attention to game now... the flashes are really cool... this was the perfect moment, I pressed the last button and then, a powerful hypnowave started to hit his eyes and mind, his hands suddenly stoped moving and his breath became accelerated, his eyes and mouth open wide and all his lil body trembled.

My boy is trying to look away but he can't, his wide eyes are completely focused in those entrancing and strong color lights, I could see in his face how hard he's trying to concentrate, to look away, to move a finger to escape or at least call for help, but no, no my boy, you can't do anything but see those pretty lights, the speakers in the machine sent a constant message, a quiet but commanding voice teasing over and over Erin's ears.... Be a good boy you are a good boy, you are the good boy of Uncle Jones... some saliva started dripping from his open mouth, his eyes followed the light streams on the screen... then... it was my time to get in.

I got close to my boy, I pulled a chair and I sat behind him, I started to caress all his body helping him to relax, started to lick his ear and whispered softly, using the right tone for have a powerful effect in his lil' mind "that's my good boy, look at the pretty lights, look how beautiful they are, you like them don't you boy?, they're so good, so relaxing, Don't look away from them my boy, don't fight them, those pretty lights make you feel good, all the things that makes you feel good are good things, let them in Erin. It feels so good to gaze at the pretty lights doesn't it?" I can feel all his body relaxing in my hands slowly, my boy nodded and whimpered a soft "y... yes...", I smiled knowing I'm almost in his mind now.

"That's it Erin, you're a really good boy, you love to be a good boy for your Papa Bear, don't you Erin?" "y...yes.. I.... good boy.... huh..." another powerful wave hit him, his breath was now relaxed, , his pupils dilated, "that's it my Erin boy, you're my good cute boy, being a good cub makes you feel incredible, makes you so happy, so comfortable, you know I'm right don't you boy?, all your Papa Bear said is the truth, and you love to do what I said because it's true, because you're a good and obedient boy ..." an empty smile started to appears en his relaxed face, his vacant eyes are now almost closed, all my boy was relaxed and given to the lights on the screen, to the feeling of my big hands searching and rubbing every part of his cute and defenseless body.

"yes..." "yes my boy, and now you feels so tired, so sleepy, you need to rest, you know you need it, come on boy everything it's ok, you can sleep because you're safe with me, because I'll take care of you, sit in my lap, lay on my chest, keep looking at the pretty lights, they'll help you to sleep, they'll follow you and guide you with my voice in your dreams, you will listen to me even in your dreams, because you love my voice as much as the lights don't you boy?" he nodded slowly to everything I said, he was then sitting in my lap, so calmed, so sleepy, his pretty eyes still looking at the screen, his cute ear reacting to every move of mi tongue over it, he listened carefully to every word I said, and then, with a last stream of color light, all the possible doubt, fear or confusion in his mind faded, his eyes opened wide and then they closed slowly, his head resting in my shoulder now, and his mind... completely mine....