The Traveling Chronicles of Twix: Ch1. Island of Furs :Not finished

. ## **the fog** the fog surrounding the island has many purposes. the most obvious is keeping the island separated from the land outside of the fog, and keeping what's on the island in. the fog also has a very interesting magic about it.

post pony shire rosedust verson

He went though the rain with ease, the snow was cold but easy, hail hurt but he shrugged it off, lightning flashed past him only missing him by inches, and the fog he just flew though it like it was light fog, not "thick enough to cut with a knife" fog.

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post pony shire mugman verson

Light fog not thick enough to cut with a knife fog.

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Back Cover Text

**the sacrifice for peace** **volume 1** the gathering mist runner wasn't sure what he was getting himself into when the high cleric first approached him to be the bodyguard of a young wastelander girl.

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"victims" are either hurt or taken into a fog that drives them to do different. i have been caught into the thickest of fog to the point of forgetting who i truly was. it had taken more than two whole years for me to fully see through that fog.

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In The Land of Ancients: Chapter 2

Instead of a door, there was an outlined frame, but where wood or metal should have been, it was a dense fog. setting my shield down, i took one of the three remaining arrows that i had acquired, and tossed it into the fog. i waited, and nothing happen.

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The Setup part 2

_ when it finally stopped, the area was covered in a thick fog of dream mist. _i doubt it is going to end here._ all the mist started to form in a single place, forming a big ball of the stuff right in front of me.

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Through the Looking Glass: Penance: Chapter 5-A

And then the fox flew over the edge, and with this he slowly descended into the mist below them. tai lung looked at the cliff face in wonder as they descended, noting how noble the grey rock seemed to be against the fog beneath them.

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Kingdom of the Old Demons: Chapter 10

"you are very fast, child of the night, but you are no match for my mist," said the vampire's voice among the mist. "our enemy is a fucking mist," said belial.

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Ander - Chapter 3, Subchapter 40

At first ander thought that the mist was getting even thicker, but that couldn't be right. he couldn't see the trees anymore because there _weren't_ any.

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Darkness 1: Beginning

Don't lose it, you're so close, fight the fog! keep it off! but it can't be fought. close it in your fist and it seeps out through the gaps in your fingers. try to hit it, and it shrinks from your hand and slides by. you can't fight the fog.

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Desperation and Beyond

But suddenly, the mist rose up, snaking a tendril around her snout. as the mist touched her, she collapsed, all her energy gone. _ **'no,'** _ said a voice.

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