The Setup part 2

Story by Isaac Cahn on SoFurry

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#2 of Pokemon world

hey here is part two of somethinng i started some time ago. i do think i can continue the story, but i am trying to figure out how to do it.

in other news, this should be my 100th post on this site. i am amazed i managed to make it to 100 and hope i can post more stories soon

please leave you thoughts and comments below

My brother and I walked to school in the early spring sun. "Look, Simon," Kira told me, "I am really reconsidering the plan."

I sighed, "Kira, I already made my decision, I am going through with it." As much as I wanted to yell at him, I tried to keep my voice low to not disturb the others on the street.

"Simon, I am being serious here. We might not even need to do it anymore."

I started to feel more frustrated with Kira. "What is wrong with you?" I asked. "Wasn't it your plan in the first place? Why are you so against it now?"

"Look, when I told you the plan, I didn't think--" Kira silenced himself.

"You didn't what? Think they would find anything?"

"Well, yeah."

I groaned, "I was skeptical too Kira, but they found something and we need to do something about it." I remembered how awkward that exam was. A bunch of psychic types surrounded me while I lay on a table. Every one of them went into my mind to see if Josh did enter my mind. They all spoke telepathically to one another and a couple people off to the side taking notes. I could still feel them in my head, almost slithering through my head.

"They told us they are going to work on a way to catch them."

"But, Kira, that can take weeks, months even. We don't have that sort of time."


"But nothing," I yelled, flames erupting from my hot spots. "I am going through with it Kira!"

"But Simon, I wasn't thinking straight when I told you that plan." Kira started to stammer, "You uh, see its, um, you see, shit."

My flames go out. Even without saying the exact words, I understood what he was trying to say. Even if he said he is going to start treating me like the Quilava I am, he is still worried about me. "Look, Kira, to be honest, I was going to do it anyway. You know, come out."

Kira was silent, a shocked look on his face.

"I would have preferred to come out some other way, but these guys"--I took a breath, --"These guys need to go down. If these guys are willing to out me before everyone, they are willing to do the same to others. We can't just wait for the police to set something up. If we are going to get them, we need proof ASAP, even if it means that"--I started to choke--"even if it means I have to practically embarrass myself to do it."

I felt my brother wrap his arms around me. "Simon, I am so sorry. I know you probably want to hear something else, but... I just don't know what to say now."

I hugged back. "Can you just say you trust me?"


"When you told me your plan, I did realize immediately what it would entail and I was fine with it because it was your plan, Kira. That fact alone makes me sure that this is going to work. I wish that you trust your ideas as much as I do."

"Simon, I," Kira was silent for a moment. He let go of me, his face was more at peace. "Alright then, but I want to make some changes first."

"And those are?"

"When Josh does his thing, I don't want you to wait for the end of the day. I want you to get out the second it happens. It doesn't matter what period or class you have to left, you leave."

I already missed a week of school for that test, so missing more is just going to hurt my grade. Still, he has a point, staying longer than necessary could risk Josh finding out about the plan and just make getting him and the others more difficult later. "Alright then."

Kira pulled the communicator out of his bag, "Second, once you are out, contact Akira and head to the police or wherever he suggests you two meet." He hands me his communicator, "Akira's number is already in the communicator, so use this to contact him."

I took the communicator, "But what makes you sure they'll help me or even set up another test?"

"Akira said they take the things that Josh did very seriously. They are not going to ignore you if you said he invaded your mind again, especially since they did find evidence that he was there before. I'll contact Akira once I am at work and tell him he might be expecting a call from you."

I placed the communicator in my bag. "Something tells me Akira is not going to be happy when he finds out we are doing this."

"Oh, I am positive he is going to curse at me once I tell him. He might even try and contact you and try and get you to stop. But I doubt his words are going to do much."

"Barely nothing."

Kira gave a small smile. Even while he was trying to be positive, I could tell he was hurt inside. "Figured as much. Come on, I don't want you to be late."


The bell rang again, marking the end of 4th period. "Remember," Ms. Rodgers, the aged Donphan, said "I am quizzing you tomorrow, no exceptions."

I can tell that last bit was aimed towards me. I sighed and continued to pack away my stuff. I felt something soft hit my head. "Huh," I reached up and saw that it was some paper with notes on it.

"There, everything you missed while you were out."

I put the papers in my binder, "Thanks, Xander. I really appreciate your notes."

The Natu jumped onto my desk, "I do hope you are keeping your end of the bargain, Simon."

I put my binder in my bag, "I know I know." I sling my bag over me and got out of the chair. "Just avoid the hot spots."

I felt Xander jump on my back, he was really light. "Now onward fire steed, to the other side of the school."

"Yeah, yeah." I peeked out of the hallway. Various other students were milling in the hallway but none of my bullies. I went out into the chaos.

As I tried to avoid bumping into anyone I kept my eyes open for my tormentors. That's really odd. Half of the day has gone by and none of them have showed up. Usually, Jake or Chad would have harassed me after second period. It's strange that they will be so quiet today. There is another thing I am curious about too. Kira said he was going to contact that Anika guy or something and explain our plan. I doubt that went over well and I would be contacted at some point to stop, but the communicator hasn't rung once. I don't think he would approve of the plan or why the silence?

I felt a sharp crack hit my lower hotspot. I jumped and yelped in pain.

A cocky voice rang "Did you finally notice me now Simon?" I turned to see Magnolia behind me, retracting her Vine Whips. "What happened to you?" The irate Bayleef shouted, "you are silent for a week and now you are just ignoring me. What the hell, Simon?"

"Sorry, Mag," the area where she hit me started to sting, "I didn't mean to do that."

"Well, you did." Magnolia set her eyes onto Xander, "Why are you on top of Simon?"

"Hey, Simon and I had a deal," Xander proclaimed, "He asked for my notes and in return, he must carry me to my next class for the next month."

"What? That is totally unfair!"

"It's fine Mag. He's the best note-taker in the class and I need to catch up fast. Besides Xander barely weights anything to me."

"Still that is a crappy deal. Couldn't Xander just fly to his next class like all the other flying types?"

I feel Xander move about on my back, "Have you seen my little stubbs I call wings? I can't fly till I evolve."

"What about using your psychic powers to carry yourself there like you are doing for your books and stuff?" I look around me and see a stack of books levitating beside me. How long have they been following me?

"Nope, doing it on myself is difficult and tiring. Besides, it is much more fun to just ride someone. Now onward fire steed and avoid the cafeteria while you are moving."

"What's happening in the cafeteria?" I asked.

"If you go there something bad will happen to you, Simon. Trust me I can see the future and I am rarely wrong."

"Something bad." There's no doubt in my mind what the bad thing was. If anything, Xander's prediction just sped up what was going to happen. "Sorry Xander, but we are swinging by the cafeteria." Before either Xander or Magnolia could say otherwise, I started to rush to the cafeteria.

Xander stuck his talons into my back as he struggled to stay on. "Stop. stop. didn't you hear me, I said you'll regret it. stop. Stop." Xander's words just went into one ear and out the other. All day, I have been playing this scenario in my head. I was prepared for this. I am ready for this.

I stopped in front of the cafeteria doors. Inside, students were starting to form lines and sitting at tables chatting with friends. I scanned the inside looking for Josh. Now where is he?

"So there you are, Simon." a voice said not hiding any anger to the listener. At the end of the corridor I saw Josh floating.

My body started to tense. Despite looking like a regular Munna, Josh was a powerful pokemon. In a straight fight, I am sure to lose. Good thing I am not battling him.

Josh started to move closer. "So Simon," he said, ``Where have you been? I mean, it's so odd not seeing an honor student for so long."

"I was out sick," I answered.

"Aw, you were out sick?" he said in a condescending voice, "How convenient." What is with that attitude?

"Run! Run!" Xander screamed, "Just--"

"Butt out you bird!"

Xander screamed. I turn around and see him being thrown down the hallway, crashing into a Buizel passing by.

"Xander," I tried to go help him but I felt a force pull me off the ground. I flail around like I am expecting it to work. It doesn't take a genius to know why I gained the random ability to levitate now. My body turned to Josh.

"Now then, where were we, Simon?"

Warning bells started to go off in my head. Things are bad. Sure Josh is an asshole but this is different. He was never this aggressive before.

Josh moved closer to me, his face mear inches from my own, "Now I want the truth. Why were you not in school Simon?"

"I told you I was sick, Josh."

Josh glared at me. In a swift moment, my body jerked to the right. I didn't have enough time to brace myself for the wall I was bashed into. Some of the other students screamed as I got pulled back to Josh, "Come on do you really think I'll believe such bullshit?"

I tried to scan the hallways for Jake or Chad. damn it where the fuck are those two? Their psychopath of a friend just lost it and they are nowhere to be seen.

"Oh, so you finally noticed, Simon."

My heart stopped. Wait is--

"Josh reading your mind? Of course I am."


"Now then do you feel like telling me the truth now?"

"I've been sick," I exclaimed, "How many times do I have to tell you?"

"Stop lying!"

My body slammed into the floor. Before I could register it, I got slammed into the ceiling too. Josh stopped using his psychic powers and let my body hit the floor with a thud.

My body ached all over. I tried to move. I don't think anything is broken at least.

"Of course I didn't break anything. I need to show some restraint."

"Restraint is the last thing I'll call this." Every breath seemed to just put me in more pain. "What the hell is wrong with you Josh?"

"Oh please, like you don't know. Stop trying to play innocent you snitch."

"What?" I felt Josh lift my body again. Just hanging like a rag doll seemed to make the pain worse.

"I am telling you to come clean. If you want it to end, just admit it and I'll let you go."

I was getting desperate, "Josh, I really don't know what you are talking about. Why are you doing this?"

Josh stared at me. "You really don't know?"

I nodded my head.

"So if I would say check your memories, I shouldn't see you with any police then right?"


Josh smiled, "Got you."

Without thinking about it, I spit out some Embers at Josh.

Josh just took it and smiled, "Big mistake Simon."

My head started to hurt. As though something was forcing itself into my mind. I screamed and flailed around as the pain in my head got worse. I started to see dots in my vision.

"See if you told me the truth from the start you wouldn't be in this mess you are in right now."

I spat out a Smokescreen. A thick fog of smoke filled the hallway as students started to cough their lungs out.

Josh started to lose focus and dropped me.

The second my body hit the floor I started to crawl in the direction of the cafeteria. I need to get away. I've got what I need. I just need to get out of here and call Anika.

"Oh ho, so you planned this, dear Simon?" Josh's voice chilled me to the bone in a way I couldn't even put into words. "Now you are just asking for it, Simon."

I felt a shockwave or something similar knock me into the cafeteria. All around me students around me looked terrified. I rise to my feet. If I can just get outside-- I felt something force my body down.

"Like hell you are getting out of here Simon!"

Intense pain filled my head as though it would split open.

"I am going to empty out that---" Josh yelped out in pain.

The pressure started to fade. Did someone attack Josh?

"You okay?" a voice said above me. I look up and see Yoshi standing over me.

"Where's Josh?"

"Over there," the Stantler pointed to the side with his antler.

I turn and see both a Houndoom and a Mightyena holding down Josh while an Ivysaur sprinkled some powder on him. Josh was trying to knock everyone away but his powers didn't work on the ones holding him down. Josh was screaming at them, threatening them with his powers but they seemed unfazed.

"The Sleep Powder should be taking effect soon."

As Yoshi was talking, Josh got more subdued.

"You would think once Chad got arrested and Jake not coming to school anymore, that Josh would just stop being a dick."

While I wanted the full details of Chad and Jake, I really didn't have the time for it. I struggled to get up. My whole body ached like crazy. Not surprising with how I was just tossed and beaten like a rag doll.

"Whoa, are you even okay to stand?"

"Yeah," I forced out, "I'm fine." I started to cough.

"You don't sound fine. Come on, I'll help you to the nurse's office."

My coughing started to get worse. What's going on? I can't stop coughing. I am starting to feel nauseous.

"Hey, what's wrong? You---"

My body started to produce some sort of mist out of my mouth. This wasn't something like the Smokescreen I spat out earlier. This was a sort of brightly pink color. "What," I spewed out more of that mist, almost like my body was throwing it out through my mouth.

"Its dream mist!" Yoshi yelled. He started to shove me to the doors.

The dream mist kept coming out. It started to get thicker and thicker. Everywhere I looked was just a pink mist blocking my sight. Damn it damn it damn it damn it. No, I knew this was going to happen, I can't pretend that this wasn't avoidable.

When it finally stopped, the area was covered in a thick fog of Dream mist. I doubt it is going to end here. All the mist started to form in a single place, forming a big ball of the stuff right in front of me. I saw something step out of the ball of dream mist.

My heart stopped. Oh no. nononononononononono. Why him? Why out of everybody he showed up?

The fake Yoshi just smirked at me, "Well, hey there, cutie. Ready for fun?"


I let out a sigh as the doctors left the test room. Tired, I was just so tired today. This day has been back to back shitty situations. My body still ached from the beating. I felt nauseous from the test. I just couldn't keep up with everything anymore.

A few minutes later, Kira entered the test room. "They said they found more of those 'prints' in your head."

"Not surprised." Even with that 'victory' I didn't feel happy. "I really don't think it actually matters anymore. At most this evidence might just add a few more years to Josh."


We sat there in silence.

I really can't believe when Josh used the Dream mist on me, Yoshi appeared. The second the fake Yoshi appeared, shit hit the fan hard. I started to feel embarrassed about the event. I really wasn't prepared for that fake to blab all those fetishes to the whole school. But the worse was the real Yoshi's expression to the whole thing. That look of disgust he shot at me. How he just ran from the cafeteria. That feeling as he ran away from me hurts. Honestly, I don't blame him for being disgusted with me. Yoshi has a girlfriend. He probably doesn't even know my name. Why shouldn't he be disgusted with someone like me? Tears filled my eyes. It hurts. Yoshi's face entered my mind. It hurts so much.

I felt Kira took my hand into his and held it tight. He gave me the same kind eyes he always gave me when I am scared. A reassuring look that everything will be okay and that I can trust him.

I pulled him close and hugged him. I buried my face into his fur and started to shake. Kira held me tight. "Kira," I said shaking, "When Josh attacked me today, I was so scared."

Kira rubbed my back, 'i know."

"I was so powerless against him. I--I was helpless and couldn't do anything against him."

Kira started to rock my body.

"I knew Josh might have done something to me, but I was never prepared for what he did to me."

"No one was Simon."

I gripped Kira's fur tightly, "I don't want to feel like that again. Please don't let it happen again."

"I won't let it happen, Simon."

"I don't want to deal with Josh or bullies or anyone. I don't want to deal with everyone at school or anything. I just want to just crawl in a hole and never come out again." I sobbed into his shoulders. i just lost it and couldn't stop myself. "I'm just. I'm just so tired of all this shit."

Kira said nothing. He just held me tight while I cried on him. Just like when I was still a Cyndraquil.