Chapter 5

Zora stepped into the alley, drake was leaned against the wall, he looked up as zora entered. "the imperial will be here soon." drake said, standing up straight and stepping over beside zora.

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A Series of Moments 6

drake finally asked, pulling his lover over to the couch so they could sit down together. 'move in?' elmo nearly jumped as a familiar blue spark sizzled to the tip of his whiskers. there was no way that drake hadn't noticed unusual phenomena.

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All the drake wanted was the last two anthros inside of his stomach, which was squirming and reeling with the now-eleven occupants taking up more space than the drake's own body.

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of death and life

drake asked,cousing parn to chuckle.

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Scars Ch. 13

"...drake...," i wheeze. drake walks down the alleyway, past the other mercenaries who simply stare in fear and astonishment.

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A BRCF Volunteer's Log

drake...! the venerable drake again, looks like solved it! i could see how proudness filled mark seeing his child growing up in such a peculiar way!

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The Beginning of an End

drake: yes shadow. sit. (shadow then sits down and drake handed him a glass of water.) drake: now as i recall, sheridan died in october correct? shadow: yes sir. drake: ok good...but i don't think that solved our problems...


Nursery Breakout

"we need to be prepared for our good friend, phantom drake, to visit. later in the day, phantom drake was patrolling the city. his large, draconic wings slicing through the sky as he scanned for evil doers.

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My Story: Chater 1: The Past: Where I Once Had You. (Unfinished)

drake said as he charged toward his brother and throws the first punch. grathra easily dodges then counters with his own move and goes for a kick. quickly recovering drake manages to block the kick.

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After Dinner Mint

His legs kicked weakly at the moobs of the drake, rippling rolls of fat running down the sides of the drake as the impacts bounced off him like rocks off a windshield.

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Not badly persay, but with a drake that won't be moving around anytime soon. enjoy! the sitting drake sighed softly as he looked out over the small sea of furs in the park around him.

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