The Beginning of an End

Story by Nightshade79 on SoFurry

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#2 of Psycho Phantom

I apologize in advance for both a short chapter (In my eyes it is) and for improper tagging...this is one where I can't find the right tags so...I guess that's it then...


This story contains suicide, strong language, an insane psycho killer, blood, and descriptive content that may frighten or sicken you.

Read at your own risk if you dare.

Definitely not for kids unless you're into this kind of stuff.

Chapter 1

The Beginning of an End

October 25th, 2017

(Shadow had been waiting for a report for a few days, and had finally gotten word or the whereabouts of Sheridan, his actual body was found within the crevice of the caverns and was split open between some sharp rocks. Shadow is finally relieved that he is dead for real this time and is now relaxing now that the most wanted psychotic killer is now put under away.)

Shadow: ......Not really how I wanted him to die...but as long as he is no longer standing, it is good enough.

(Blaze then enters the room and places down some files.)

Blaze: I guess we can forget about all of this now. The most wanted killer pretty much killed himself.

Shadow: ......Be that as it may, I can never forgive something so never saw how sick and twisted this man was...cutting up his victims and making them into and clothing...

Blaze: That bad huh?

Shadow: Yep, some of his murders he forced me to watch...I can never unsee......

Blaze: Speaking of get on his good side, did you have to murder anyone else so he could trust you?

Shadow: ......Yes...he forced me to kill a woman......

(Shadow then walks towards the window and looks out towards the sea.)

Shadow: ......You think what he was true?

Blaze: ...Don't tell me you actually believe his words! He was just an insane psychopath!

Shadow: I know...but perhaps he was right...Look at the facts. The world is bound to enter another war here soon...possibly another that could reduce the population of earth to drastic levels.


Blaze: ......oh crap...the crazy bastard was right...humans are the brink of destruction...

Shadow: ......yet still, he may be right...but things can change.

Blaze: ...I hope so...oh, by the way.

(Blaze then pulls out a dark object from his pocket and hands it to Shadow.)

Shadow: ......What is this?

Blaze: Beats me. The search team found it lodged in his skull.

Shadow: ......Hmm...I'd say it is a crystal...but it's not...this is actually something I haven't seen or heard of before...

Blaze: Bummer, oh well...c'mon, let's get going. Zephyr wants to know what our next objective is. He's itching to find another psycho and fight him.

Shadow: heh, always was a nutjob. Always acting before he thinks. One of these days he gonna end up for debriefing......or a hospital...again...

Blaze: Again? For which subject?


(Both of them laughed it off and walked out of the room.)

Blaze: By the way, what are we going to do really now that the most wanted "person" is dead?

Shadow: Not sure really. Because of him, he's even scared some of the most wanted from us to which they committed suicide. And I don't know how, but he managed to kill number nine on the top ten.

Blaze: Number nine......

Shadow: you haven't looked at the list have you?

Blaze: Not

Shadow: Doesn't matter. With the psycho out of the picture for good, things would actually cool down for a while.

Several months later

(Time went by and only a few times were Shadow called to do something. Many criminals were still at large, but most were out of fear as to which they still believe that Sheridan could still be alive and would do anything to keep themselves alive long enough to get away from him.)

August 29, 2018

(Shadow had been called upon by the chief, when he entered his office, things looked grief.)

Shadow: You called me here sir?

Drake: Yes Shadow. Sit.

(Shadow then sits down and Drake handed him a glass of water.)

Drake: Now as I recall, Sheridan died in October correct?

Shadow: Yes sir.

Drake: Ok good...but I don't think that solved our problems...

Shadow: ......What do you mean? Is he still alive?

Drake: I'm not saying he is...but there is a slight chance he's not completely dead.

(Shadow then gulped as the thought of the killer still would be horrific if it was true. Drake then pulls out a map marked from several locations.)

Drake: Remember, we had to give chase to him in a widespread area. Starting from Indiana, leading towards where we had to jump out of state to find him, and so on until here in the mountains of Montana. We also had to send forces to Rwanda and Machu Picchu to draw him out of hiding.

Shadow: I understand and--

(Soon Blaze and a scientist came barging in the room.)


Drake: What? Spit it out boy!

Scientist: There was an attack! No one knows who or how it happened, but Russia is destroyed!

Drake: What!? How can such a huge area be destroyed!?

Scientist: I've contacted others about was a heavy nuke assault on the country...

Blaze: Russia doesn't exist's been completely wiped off the map...

Drake: ......What about the neighboring countries?

Scientist: Most areas are suffering as we speak from the nuke. Half of China and Europe are infected with a disease that even our most top scientists can't identify.

Shadow: don't think...

Drake: ............Contact the rest of the surviving areas and have them scope out for other nuclear materials...

Blaze: Right away!

Shadow: On it!

(The three then leave and Drake pounds against the wall.)

Drake: Dammit...he's still out there...